Example sentences of "is almost " in BNC.

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1 Its daring conception , ideal in the highest sense of the word , is based on the purest truth , and wrought out with the concentrated knowledge of a life , its colour is almost perfect , not one false or morbid hue in any part or line , and so modulated that every square inch of canvas is a perfect composition ; its drawing is as accurate as fearless ; the ship buoyant , bending , and full of motion ; its tones as true as they are wonderful ; and the whole picture dedicated to the most sublime of subjects and impressions … the power , majesty and deathfulness of the open , deep , illimitable sea .
2 There is almost nothing about the artist 's contemporaries .
3 With the James , we are told who did it ; in the Ackroyd , the matted fellow who is the chief suspect is never very securely identified as the author of the crimes — it is almost as if the inspector could have done it : so that Ackroyd 's is an authorially uncertain work in which the authorship of its crimes is uncertain too .
4 It is almost as if we are confronted here by a replication of the poor Tom described in Ackroyd 's novel by another poor Tom of later times .
5 A similar statement can be made of the presbyterian community , which is almost wholly Northern , and whose main Southern presbytery is in the counties of old Ulster which remain in the Republic — Donegal , Cavan , and Monaghan .
6 At the same time , despite the popular support for many of the activities of the provisionals north of the border , there is almost no popular support for terrorist activities against the established government in the South .
7 It is almost as if the catholic Irish people become a people of God in Old Testament terms , in a way similar to the Northern Calvinists , a people which have overriding power to set up their domain .
8 Staying here is almost like still being back in Haarlem .
9 Flowering mid-season ‘ James Grieve ’ is almost guaranteed to give a good crop of very juicy fruit with fine , slightly acid flavour , lovely both for cooking and for eating .
10 A major infestation is almost certain to occur at some time or other , and you must then decide how to control or eradicate it .
11 Most glider pilots have never experienced anything more hazardous than a bad landing , so reading and talking about other people 's mistakes is almost the only way of becoming aware of the kind of situations which lead to broken gliders .
12 The main cause is almost always something to do with the pilot 's flying skills or judgements .
13 It is almost impossible to judge what loads have gone into the structure during a bad landing , swing or ground loop .
14 Where it occurs much lower down a recovery is unlikely , and the accident should be put down either to the failure to maintain a safe airspeed at low altitudes , or to bad planning leading to a situation from which a crash is almost unavoidable .
15 If they are recognised , there is almost always plenty of time to prevent a stall occurring .
16 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
17 Since most of these control movements are semi-automatic and largely preprogrammed , it is almost certain that this was the initial cause of his reaching such a high speed .
18 Finally , below a few hundred feet , if no definite field has been chosen there can be little or no choice , and an accident is almost certain to happen .
19 If the rope breaks , the take off field should be within easy reach for a downwind landing , whereas a problem with the towplane 's engine usually means a field landing is almost inevitable .
20 In an effort to prevent this kind of accident ( which is almost always fatal for the tow pilot ) , the emphasis has been for pilots to keep their glider very low just after leaving the ground .
21 As they move the stick forwards a small amount , causing only the slightest reduction in ‘ g ’ , their response to the resulting sensation is almost always to move even further forwards , making the sensation worse .
22 Surprising though it may seem , although it is now well established that this is a serious problem with gliding , it is almost unknown in power flying circles or in the Air Force and it is taking many years to convince authorities .
23 It should come as no surprise , therefore , to find that most insider participant observation of policing is almost always confined to discussion on management techniques and to the implementation of new systems .
24 That this will require some radical reflexivity on the part of the insider is obvious , for it is almost inevitable that his revelations will not only create some discomfort for himself , but will almost certainly be unwelcome .
25 there is a consistent air of frustration in the writings of some of the social scientist contributors … it is almost as though they wish they were in closer touch with the operational side of the service .
26 Chaos now seemed poised to threaten the system from inside and without , and it is almost inevitable that the term ‘ civvy ’ should have become a derogatory reference .
27 This last point is sometimes regarded as a bad fault in basic training , but it is almost inevitable in a long-ranging competition reverse punch .
28 It is almost certain that Leonard 's interest in Zen Buddhism was sown at this time , and his ‘ anti-intellectualism ’ confirmed .
29 The Club is almost entirely financed by the proceeds it gets from turning a large part of the Club into a giant car park throughout The Championships .
30 Slowly push upwards with your right leg until it is almost straight .
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