Example sentences of "is perhaps " in BNC.

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1 This is perhaps a more useful analogy than might at first sight appear .
2 It is perhaps more the stuff of epigrams than analysis .
3 Cultural history and theory , it has to be said , have very extensive agenda , and art criticism is perhaps only a sub-paragraph under a secondary heading .
4 There is a story of Singer 's — one of a collection , The Death of Methuselah , published in Britain in the autumn of 1988 — in which Levi , or a part or perception of Levi , is perhaps faintly distinguishable .
5 You will find the speeches scattered like jewels throughout the text , but it is perhaps as well to keep to the simpler ones for your audition piece — those where Romeo and Juliet are directly enthralled by love and the declaration of love to another person .
6 However , in the interests of Western European stability and its own financial position , the British government is perhaps still putting off the final offer — either British withdrawal or some form of power-sharing with catholic nationalists — in the hope of loyalists coming round to what is seen as a more reasonable position .
7 Whether or not he was equally aware of a similar alienation process in asserting the catholic nature of the nation is perhaps more open to debate .
8 These schools are protestant , though nothing else is perhaps to lie expected when protestant — loyalist teachers teach protestant — loyalist children .
9 That is perhaps the point of the big glass , wrote Harsnet .
10 And that is perhaps the way they all want it .
11 So is that what the big glass is perhaps ?
12 Examples like the County Arms at Blaby in Leicestershire ( Pick , Everard , Keay and Gimson ) is more in the Tudor style , while Oliver Hill 's Prospect Inn at Minster in Thanet of 1938 is perhaps one of the most completely modern pubs of the inter-war period in its organic planning and use of floor decoration .
13 ‘ I am thinking , Miss Abernethie , she is perhaps wondering , Like myself , why you were sent for to Naples in the middle of the new-engaged couple 's holiday .
14 This facet of the culture is perhaps the reason why the British administrative and academic élites have obliquely indicated to the police that they do not consider them fit to be allowed to take charge of police research .
15 It is this logic of practice which effectively negates most research and is perhaps the main reason that between 1979 and 1988 , only one of the research papers I have compiled has been looked at by senior officers .
16 Of all the kicks used in competition the high roundhouse kick is perhaps the easiest to see , though there are ways of disguising this .
17 Here is perhaps the simplest and most dramatic example : the non-conservation of length by children below about seven years of age .
18 This is perhaps one of the most widely used and cheapest of supplements in bodybuilding .
19 The balance between biceps and triceps development is perhaps one of the most difficult to achieve in physique development .
20 As a design project it is perhaps the most exploited .
21 Starting with a blank sheet of paper is perhaps easy for some , but for myself , I can neither draw accurately nor can I imagine without a picture or actual model to start from .
22 To a large extent this is perhaps inevitably a criticism of the chairman from September 1983 , Robert Reid .
23 Just how great the change has been is perhaps best illustrated by reference to the number of daily commuters into London .
24 Colourful is perhaps a polite way to describe this BRCW three-car dmu set P460 with 51317 the leading car .
25 It is perhaps worth recording the remark of an eight-year-old boy on first seeing Ashton 's Symphonic Variations ( 1947 ) : ‘ That was lovely , I know all about the music now .
26 This is perhaps best understood by the way both choreographers frequently show that certain steps can be danced sur les pointes but can also be jumped , e.g. petits changements or sissonnes piquées .
27 However , when necessary , choreographers can and should create a particular style that is perhaps based on a mixture of the above but that is , in the final analysis , a style suitable for one ballet only .
28 It is a movement he has used many times and which is perhaps seen at its best in the pas de deux to the Meditation from Thai-s created for Anthony Dowell and Antoinette Sibley ; in A Month in the Country when Natalia dances with the Tutor to express her emotions ; and in Les Deux Pigeons in the final pas de deux , when the Young Man has returned to The Girl and tenderly dances with her in his arms ( see page 83 ) .
29 It is perhaps not surprising that choreographers use the classical style fur most abstract ballets .
30 It is perhaps appropriate to stress again that where playwrights require pages of dialogue to explain every factor in the development of the plot , to create a changing atmosphere and to show how the actions affect the actors in the play , dancers can communicate whole passages of dialogue in a few expressive gestures woven into enchaînements .
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