Example sentences of "to dinner " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My cousin is something of a wine connoisseur , Mr Tyler , ’ said Miss Amy Hall as he escorted her in to dinner .
2 Our lucky free draw winner will be treated to dinner , bed and breakfast , but the holiday must be taken before December , 1991 ( subject to availability and excluding bank holidays ) .
3 Unable to go away for weekends or holidays , she never goes out at night to dinner parties , discos or evening classes .
4 An entertained audience is actually there and listening : a bored one has usually gone to dinner .
5 She was calm and sweet and later insisted on taking Phoebe out to dinner at some fancy little pseudo-Bohemian bistro .
6 One evening Rachel invited her to dinner , to meet some old family friends who had recently retired from academia and moved to London .
7 They 'd dress up then and go out to dinner to some restaurant , laughing and talking together as if nothing at all had happened . ’
8 This process of ‘ let's pretend ’ took an irreversible step forward one September night in 1931 , when Lewis was entertaining J. R. R. Tolkien to dinner at Magdalen .
9 He would ring her up every couple of months or so and invite her to the opera , or to dinner and no one paid any attention to this .
10 These days , most women 's lives are so varied that no single scent will take us from gym to office , from desk to dinner — let alone dawn till dusk .
11 Anyway , we went out to dinner and then went to a speakeasy .
12 The Masters had been out to dinner and were well mellowed , wide awake and disposed to chat , but sitting in their quarry-tiled kitchen-diner , with thousands of pounds ' worth of elegant cabinet work and expensive machinery around him , McLeish managed to extract a coherent story .
13 When they went out to dinner ( for they were a ‘ top team , ! ) she was incredulous at the Great Gatsby look of the other diners — all middle-aged .
14 I will invite you to dinner when you correct your trade imbalance . ’
15 He continued to drink quietly for another hour before going in to dinner .
16 He had declined an invitation to dinner , as the stabbing pains in his head had been getting steadily worse throughout the day .
17 Nigel decided to leave things a few weeks then issue an invitation to dinner .
18 He had never invited anyone to dinner at the house , for the simple reason that they never had anything he could honestly call dinner .
19 Yes , Joe must have been desperately lonely at that time , because he asked us to dinner the following evening at Chez Victor 's , one of his favourite restaurants .
20 There was to be a reception , and later we were invited to dinner at the house of the British Council representative .
21 So of course we 've asked him to dinner .
22 If you went out to dinner , you did n't think of how to get out of going to bed with him , it was how to get out of the car without kissing him . ’
23 Could he be about to invite me to dinner ?
24 A girl sits down with a man and she says , ‘ I hear you 're very romantic , please take me to dinner ’ — that 's Public Relations !
25 ‘ It has taken me all this time to get to the position where I can call people up on the phone go out to dinner or to the cinema .
26 Before he left he was invited to dinner at Buckingham Palace by George V and Queen Mary .
27 It was not long before I was ensconced in the dining-room with a pastis and looking forward to dinner .
28 Her unfortunate gaffe over tea made it impossible for Elisabeth to offer any excuse when Mitzi Baum accosted her on the stairs on the way to dinner and asked her to share her table .
29 Vegetables , and herbs for that matter , are a delight for youngsters , who can follow their progress from seed packets to dinner plate .
30 WHEN a Charlton chief sat down to dinner in times gone by and found a spur on the table where his meal should have been , he knew the cupboard was bare once .
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