Example sentences of "a period " in BNC.

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1 Over a period of time they will all be ill .
2 You can spread the payments over as long a period as you like .
3 To be effective for tax purposes a Deed of Covenant has to turn for a period capable to exceeding three years .
4 What if I wish to give small amounts regularly over a period ?
5 Garde à vue detention allows the police to detain suspects for interrogation for a period of up to 10 days .
6 A typical decision for planning a survey is to take a century , or the reign of some sovereign to delimit a period ; this is a device with no relationship to the artistic activity of the time .
7 Attempting to capture the spirit of a period is another planning strategy for a survey , though this philosophical notion of a Zeitgeist is notoriously elusive .
8 The photographs were taken over a period of ten years , and eventually they were brought together in a book in 1960 ; ten of the book 's essays originally appeared in Vogue , where the appealing mix of an artist 's conversation along with Liberman 's descriptions and commentary succeeded well .
9 Altogether , tutorials take place over a period of about twenty-four weeks in the last year of a course , and usually by the last twelve tutorials a student has a much clearer idea of what he or she is about .
10 On the basis of privately commissioned opinion polls showing an increasing majority in favour of some measure of divorce legislation , FitzGerald agreed with his cabinet to proceed with a referendum on whether to change the constitution so as to allow divorce for marriages irretrievably broken down , though only after a period of five years ' actual breakdown and legal separation .
11 the failure has continued for a period of , or periods amounting to , at least five years ,
12 It proved to be a period of strained relations with the English liberals , who were allies of the Irish party , but who were also in favour of bringing schooling more and more under state rather than church control ( Miller 1973 : 81–7 , 120–38 , 268–92 ) .
13 Although persuaded to drop this proposal , the brewery redecorated in the most unsympathetic manner , using metallic glazed fabrics and crude reproductions of Morris wallpapers and carpets — destroying any attempt at a period interior ( which the 1960s restoration had , ironically , tried to create ) .
14 The availability of a period pub , particularly one representing the highly popular 1930s , could create a new market where none existed before .
15 This is the only hope for the conservation of pubs from a period with planning ideas so remote from our own .
16 Innsite Hotel Services , for example , recommends , for its Innfront front office system , an on-site training package of 11 days spread over a period .
17 Doing it manually , it had to be done over a period of two or three days , fitting it in after work . ’
18 The 1991 Opening Shots Forum considers the opportunities for new directors in a period of great change for the film and television industries , but also in a climate of fast dwindling resources .
19 With reference to the article in June on breaking dormancy in sweet peas : experiments conducted over a period of several years at New College , Pontefract certainly seem to bear out Anne Swithinbank 's remarks .
20 It is essential that bulbs spend a period of time in cool , dark conditions before flowering ( this is known as plunging ) to ensure that a good root system is produced , otherwise stunted growth and deformed flowers can result .
21 Some wildflower seeds need a period of cold before they will germinate .
22 Some doctors prefer to fit an IUD during a period .
23 If not during a period , then adequate contraceptive measures must have been taken since the last period , such as the pill , or sheath , or cap with spermicide , used on every occasion .
24 After an IUD has been fitted you may feel the sort of cramp-like pain that sometimes comes with a period .
25 If you miss a period you must consult your doctor as soon as possible .
26 If you do not want a baby , but want your IUD removed , this is best done during a period , and you should immediately start using another method of contraception .
27 Pregnancy sometimes occurs when intercourse takes place during a period .
28 Contraceptive precautions should be continued until a woman has a period or any bleeding for two years if ages 45–50 , and for one year if over 50 .
29 Pre-menstrual tension covers a range of emotional or physical problems that many women suffer before a period .
30 It is usual to hire a new vehicle on a fully maintained basis for a period of about three years .
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