Example sentences of "the usual " in BNC.

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1 The lordship in question is the novelist 's , not only in the usual sense , often forgotten , that every word of the novel is his , but also because the speech of its characters can be like that of the narrator , and indeed like that of the writer of Kingsley Amis 's discursive prose .
2 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
3 I think that many of his readers would be prepared to bear witness to the sense that somewhere in there among the changing shapes is the usual nonpareil .
4 The classes are on certain days of the week only , but enrolment is not expensive given that a term is structured over the usual academic year .
5 In some cases students wishing to take an open audition for the full-time course may do so without paying the usual audition fee .
6 Looked at all the usual things ; the cottages , the rectory and so on and , eventually ended up in the churchyard ; the one where Rupert Brooke is buried .
7 Which leads to the usual problems associated with casting and auditioning .
8 The usual practice is for casks to be rolled into deep , cool cellars .
9 I did all the usual stuff — I gave her some money and stuck her on a tube train to a night shelter , but while I was walking out of the tube station , I thought to myself , ‘ you complacent bitch ’ ’ you know .
10 After it has flowered the bulb can be planted out in the garden in the usual way .
11 If you have a lot of plants and do n't want to use any of the usual chemicals , try a biological insecticide .
12 Failure to get up into the full climb is the usual cause of serious overspeeding during the first third of the launch .
13 Even your first flight could end up with a field landing and , if the wheel brake lever is not in the usual position for you , your habits will catch you out as you claw for the non-existent lever in panic .
14 Then , after waiting for a specified length of time , the hair can be shampooed in the usual way .
15 The usual symptoms are a faint pink rash with a slight fever , perhaps swollen glands or aching joints and a general feeling of being off-colour .
16 This transformational stance , she goes on to argue , allows the ethnographer to have a personal discourse on aspects which are outside the usual limits of the body or corpus of collected material .
17 This took the form of a recommendation to a university willing to take on an inspector , who often had none of the usual qualifications .
18 People who had been out together at Castle Menzies , then on down to the Reel of Ballechin , conversed steadily , opening up their private problems to each other with a freedom well beyond the usual .
19 In deference to custom , there was a party in the child 's honour , central to which was a dish of peas , which symbolises the lessening of grief to those who have been in sorrow — never far from the Jewish consciousness , and of particular relevance to this family ; a copy of the scriptures was placed in the child 's hands , along with a pen — how especially appropriate for this child ! — which will have been followed by the usual Talmudic discussions in which , no doubt , Lyon and Solomon will have capped each other 's comments .
20 His mother sought to protect him from the usual customs such as summoning the relatives to his father 's bedside , but the trauma was nevertheless very deeply felt .
21 And they got the usual terse rejection-slip to that effect .
22 She went upstairs and completed the usual preparations for bed .
23 In the living room I found the usual debris .
24 The constraint that we shall perceive only that which is ‘ really there ’ is a true constraint only if ‘ really there ’ can be defined independently of the usual constraints of perception .
25 The final honing was carried out in the usual fashion , using slipstones and strop .
26 As winter approaches , the Fundraising department will be undertaking the usual large-scale programme of cold mailings .
27 Changes can be made in the look of any step not by a change in the tempo but in the time signature : for example , dancing a pas de basque to a 2/4 or 6/8 instead of the usual 3/4 .
28 The usual ways can be seen in any class-room and are based on the four movements dictated by the natural anatomical structure of the body , namely : to bend ( contract ) , stretch ( relax ) , rise ( raise ) , turn ( rotate ) .
29 Choreographers can derive a particular style from any of the usual forms of dance studied in the established schools of France , Russia , Denmark , Italy , England and America .
30 This acceptance of the usual forms of court etiquette was first developed in a particular social environment , and it is important to comply with it if a proper atmosphere is to be established for the action which is to take place .
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