Example sentences of "need for " in BNC.

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1 In the schools the needs for AIDS education has never been greater .
2 For a family with particular needs for quiet it was ideal , and when Mr Cohen was well a short walk took them into this repose of diverting potential .
3 Under the terms of the 1986 Disabled Persons Act , the social services department must assess the needs for day services and services at home of people who are disabled .
4 The report details the targets which the Working Party developed for five main areas of public health concern , and the associated needs for improved information and data sources .
5 Future role of the District Health Authority : assessing needs for services and setting priorities by Brian Ferguson and Steve Ryder .
6 It was designed to focus appraisal on teachers ' needs for in-service training and other forms of support .
7 Mr Laws contended that paragraph 16(2) did limit the doctor 's right to provide treatment by another deputy ; that it was legitimate for the FPC to take into account the doctor 's reasonable needs for time off duty for relaxation and rest , the advantages of continuity of patient care and the paragraph 16 obligation to give personal treatment .
8 Once one has satisfied the needs for , say , food , drink , safety and social relationships , one becomes a target for goods which are status-enhancing .
9 Almost a quarter of the world 's population — 1.2 billion people — were reckoned to be too poor to meet their most basic needs for food , clothing and shelter .
10 But unless you spent a lot on flowers and balls for the children and on Mary 's birthday present , considering that you had our 15/ and some 5/ or more yes more of your own a month ago , on which no calls but fares need have been made , to which was added about 30/ ( or more ? ) lately , and from it all not 30/ was spent on the dress , you should have a sovereign left : add to this the wages of this month to come , and there should remain , after 35/ to the spectacle man , fully a sovereign , which , considering our needs for the future & also your promises , nay , certainties , at which I laughed , should go to the bank .
11 To this end all records of the past were zealously preserved and older , more primitive legal traditions extensively reworked and edited in the light of developing concepts and attitudes — most of which would seem to have been the direct result of the community 's change in circumstances and new needs for order and social cohesion .
12 For the first time , it occurs to me that my body has needs for food , needs of its own that I ca n't try to overrule with dieting and ferocious exercise and fasting ; and in a bigger way , I realise that I have needs of all kinds that I had tried to ignore : a need for food , a need to be loved , a need to feel accepted , a need for independence , a need to grow up , and a need for security .
13 He was able to sell the leaves for high prices , and people said he earned enough in one month to meet his annual needs for cash .
14 The needs for cheap and convenient transport to the nearest town for the ‘ diversified employment family ’ , for example , must be taken into account .
15 Eastman Fine Chemicals is a major business organisation in the Eastman Chemical Company , and is organised to serve your needs for laboratory and bulk fine chemicals , custom synthesis , and toll manufacture .
16 It is not possible to establish , even in the broadest terms , educational needs for the present , or the immediate future , without taking into account the fundamental economic and social changes which are summed up in the phrase , ‘ a post-industrial society ’ .
17 To take examples from either side of the Atlantic , both Tom Peters ( 1988 ) and Charles Handy ( 1989 ) are beginning to suggest very different approaches to management , and interestingly they are approaches which reflect far more accurately the needs for collegiate management in schools .
18 Adair argues that any working situation produces three sets of needs for the people involved and therefore effective leadership is determined by the variables operating in a given situation :
19 Personal — a subjective response to work and how it meets needs for growth and satisfaction .
20 In the doctor 's opinion the boy clearly had special educational needs for the purposes of the 1981 Act .
21 Marketing a school involves balancing a society 's needs for a cultured population against the immediate demands of parents , providers and consumers so as to maximise the school 's contribution to the well-being of society at large
22 And the new method of analysis shows that developing countries such as India , as well as rich countries like Sweden , can meet their people 's needs for energy without breaking the bank or destroying the environment .
23 If you can , you should try to work out in advance what the patient needs for his practical comfort ; how you are going to arrange his living quarters and his access to the bathroom and toilet ; and how he is going to occupy his time .
24 As regards choosing between special services , one response may be to argue that if , as will always be the case , there is not enough money to meet all the needs for special care , then the simple answer is to make more available .
25 A communication programme will change wants and needs for information .
26 In practice , these distinctions are rarely so clear , and many severely disabled people will have needs for multiple support which cross these agency boundaries .
27 This chapter has considered some of the dimensions of the likely future needs for health care among older people , and has examined practices which discriminate against those needs by comparison with other age groups .
28 Nor is a spiritual director a guru to whom we turn to satisfy our needs for dependence , even though we may recognize the hand of God providing this particular person at this particular time .
29 The main need is to determine in what ways their own individual needs for information can be satisfied by online services and which are the most suitable .
30 Major problems are found with the loss of ‘ hands-on ’ work by the planner himself or herself ; and there were comments on the difficulties in delegating and communicating the particular needs for information .
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