Example sentences of "know god " in BNC.

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1 Thus we commend the Bible to be read by the Churches and by Christian families in their homes , as nourishment for their souls , and not to be separated from the sacrament in the liturgy ; we commend modern translations , into the various languages , as a help to understanding ; we commend the people who have the duty of seeking to interpret the Bible in terms of the modern scientific view of the world ; and remind the Churches that all knowledge is of God and therefore that scientific discovery is also part of His work ; and so the world will be brought to know God as its Maker , and the Cross as timeless .
2 It has to bring everybody to know God , and to give everybody the chance of the everlasting happiness with God that we call heaven .
3 To know God and yet nothing of our own wretched state breeds pride ; to realize our misery and know nothing of God is mere despair ; but if we come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ we find our true equilibrium , for there we find both human misery and God .
4 They can be distinguished as desiring to know God 's will , and delighting to live in God 's presence .
5 our faith that all human beings are loved equally by God and our desire for all to know God 's love in Christ
6 Clergy can then ‘ do what lies within them to bring people to know God . ’
7 For the sake of this promise , they will want to plant new churches , they will allow new churches to look different , to ‘ enculturate ’ the gospel , to become all things to all men with the motive of bringing the poor in spirit to know God .
8 Pray that leaders would make strong relationships with their team , and that by the love they have for one another and the joy experienced , others would come to know God .
9 But the goal of worship is not its effects in mission , but simply to know God personally .
10 This may be hard for western activists to take , but it is our highest purpose : to know God and to enjoy him forever .
11 As a congregation comes before God and gives time to him in praise , they are declaring their understanding that this is their highest purpose and pleasure in life : to know God .
12 She has come to know God as he is , she is able to trust him , and her whole life reflects the difference .
13 But the rewards are incomparable , for we have the joy of getting to know God for himself , with the attached strings of lesser motives cut away .
14 For the shop itself , we need to know God 's grace under stress , especially so that we continue in fellowship without friction .
15 To know God and to make him known ’ is the motto of the schools .
16 Of course , all religions have elements of both male and female within them ; Christianity has the Virgin Mary , and its mystics have described the ‘ deep and dazzling darkness ’ which they must enter to know God .
17 Unless one presumed to know God 's purposes , how could one know that He might not achieve them by varying the quantity of motion ?
18 The father can only go on to know God more profoundly and as the young man men become stronger , they are more aware of the indwelling spirit of power to overcome the tempter .
19 Milton 's Of Education expands Sidney 's remarks on poetry to learning in general : ‘ The end , then , of Learning is , to repair the ruins of our first parents by regaining to know God aright ’ .
20 For teaching purposes , writers in the contemplative tradition followed Richard of St Victor in allegorising the process by which the soul comes to know God through the Old Testament story ( Genesis 29 ) of Jacob 's marriage to Leah and Rachel .
21 Hilton stresses that a quickened sense of the inner meaning of the Incarnation can not be forced ; it is essentially experienced as a gift and those eager to know God should always try to work with the grain of their own particular natures rather than force any prescribed activity : " take esili wolen come " ( 53.637 ) .
22 Often these feelings and beliefs lead people to claim to know God and to glimpse the transcendent ; sometimes they represent that striving and longing for perfection which characterizes human beings but always they are concerned with matters at the heart and root of existence .
23 " Often these feelings and beliefs lead people to claim to know God . "
24 Now , as we 've said earlier on the Holy Spirit works in the new birth and it is through the work of the Holy Spirit that we come to know God .
25 ‘ Do n't you know God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind ? ’
26 But we do know God is present , if we have accepted his word as the final authority on his character .
27 God 's plan is for ordinary Christian people ( the workers ) to help the harvest ( people who do n't know God ) to know who God is .
28 The doubts of these two people were entirely different , but they were both doubting God for the same reason : they did not know God as he really is .
29 And the best remedy for this doubt is to know the sure and sufficient reasons God has given us , to know why we can know God is there , to know why we can trust his revelation as true , to know why we can be sure of his love and his goodness , and to stand firm in our understanding of these truths .
30 Pray that Donna will know God 's anointing on her life as she goes to Sydney , Australia for DTS , and the support of her Christian family .
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