Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And what irritates me about them more than anything is the artificial device that actors somehow compete one with the other for the prize .
2 He offers them to his friends .
3 Doody notes that Leapor picks up Swift 's characters or anti-characters and turns them to her own purposes .
4 An interesting aspect of any ‘ counter-revolution ’ is that it takes the terms of the ‘ revolution ’ and turns them to its own purposes .
5 There is an apple-tree up against the fence that separates them from their neighbours , but it has been given a kind of Buddhist monk 's haircut .
6 She drives me in my car and we do not say much .
7 Mr Jackson drives me in his car sometimes for a special treat .
8 The sight of the boy turns me against myself , and all of you . ’
9 The practical consequence of this must be that the individual who in his personal development has not mastered his basic instinctual drives but finds instead that the state masters them for him experiences none of the narcissistic gratifications of self-mastery but all of the privations which the agencies of state control enforce on him .
10 What influences them inside their heads to actually go for a certain destination .
11 Texas Instruments , having recognised the wider implications of producing high performance processors , has attached great importance to its C compilers and produces them for their TMS320C25 and TMS320C3x .
12 The concretion of the Christian religion drives them to its edge ; indeed makes them wonder whether there is a place for them within it .
13 For ants , matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it .
14 And so , through the link , I receive an impression of Ace 's thoughts , if Pool channels them to me . ’
15 It is Isaac , who understands nothing of what is going on , who in fact understands here , while his father , who thought he understood , understands nothing .
16 Democratic theory as an ideal construct may recognise the existence of elites in real polities which are to be explained ; a democratic theory which accepts the existence of elites , describes democracy as a set of institutions and builds them into its descriptions as a central restraining factor , is arguably not in the democratic school and might not even be properly called theory .
17 If the spiritual realisations become bogged in the mud of the stagnant pond , materials stagger about pulling this way and that on the lead that joins them to their master .
18 Pfrommer dates the groups of objects and places them in their cultural and archaeological context .
19 But she is continually spotted out in the real world , so to speak , especially in the shops even though she looks nothing like her screen image .
20 Nowadays we are used to these things — the spinning jewelled diadems of Rigel ; the quasi-organic models of the Frasque , that echo the shapes of the hives and cocoons built by insects ; the Palernian Brisk , which looks nothing like its name , more like a bundle of sausages .
21 It 's classed as being a conifer but it looks nothing like one .
22 ‘ Now the rally 's been banned , ’ says Scargill , who looks nothing like his more-famous uncle , ‘ I expect it will attract a lot of people . ’
23 Because er the woman needs them for someone else .
24 L drops me near my hotel .
25 She records them , acknowledges them — unless I 'm being incommunicado for some reason — and replays them for me later .
26 But even people who are concerned about me say things which seem to be complimentary ; a teacher remarks that I have become ‘ a sylph ’ lately , Mum defends me to my grandma as ‘ naturally slender ’ , and Dad makes jokes about my skinny legs — reassuring jokes , the sort he used to make when I was little , before I became ‘ a young woman ’ and embarrassing to him .
27 On the other hand , when she behaves in what might be regarded as ‘ non-traditional ’ ways her failure is dismal ; such behaviour adds nothing to her character 's appeal .
28 It adds nothing to our understanding , Skinner argues , to talk of its frame of mind .
29 Although my worst fears about dealers infiltrating fake pieces into this section and having them ‘ authenticated ’ by being included in the catalogue , as was the case recently at an important exhibition in Berlin , did not occur , this section adds nothing to our knowledge of Soviet ceramics 1915–32 .
30 Refined white sugar is also entirely lacking in nutrients and adds nothing to our diet .
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