Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What irritates me about going shopping in any supermarket is having to bag my own goods up .
2 Many are unfamiliar with , and suspicious of , statutory bodies , and limited command of English discourages them from using social service .
3 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
4 The Payment of Wages Act allows employers to make it a condition of employment that new employees should be paid through a bank , but prohibits them from doing this with existing employees ( though of course individual existing employees can agree voluntarily to accept bank-account payment ) .
5 They remain hidden until it is threatened , when it displays them by turning itself upside-down .
6 It induces parties to submit their disputes voluntarily to conciliation or administrative decision and , in some areas such as divorce and custody , it involves them in working out a private solution , thus enhancing their acceptance of the outcome .
7 At other times it involves them in working with familiar phenomena .
8 But my contract of employment forbids me from getting involved in contentious politics ; I do so at the risk of having a court order taken out against me .
9 And he hates me for giving in to them , and for seeing how he 's shrunk .
10 Very few studies have sought to position shoplifting within a broader social and political sphere , where women in particular are vulnerable to a consumer fetishism that drives them to lawbreaking
11 Much may be blamed on the impermeable Alan Beith , who has been at Berwick since 1973 and thinks nothing to striding round five villages , after starting on Holy Island in the sort of rain that suggests God getting out the strap , and then darting up to Duns in what was Berwickshire , Scotland , to do a broadcast .
12 A man of intriguing contradictions , he espouses Ivy League courtesy yet thinks nothing of hiring private investigators to snoop on his former tactician ; he adheres to Corinthian values yet his syndicate is heavily sponsored ; he professes the scientific and analytical approach yet can be impulsive and petulant in his decision-making .
13 " there 's the very devil of a horseman in yonder field who thinks nothing of eating three tigers for breakfast ! "
14 He thinks nothing of staying up till two or three o'clock in the morning in casinos , although I tell him it 's very , very bad for one 's constitution to have irregular hours .
15 She thinks nothing of going out at ten o'clock at night .
16 He thinks nothing of doing business with the pariahs of the UN .
17 The three of them are spending Christmas with us , which will be lovely , but no doubt a bit fraught , as one highly active child will be joined by one ditto kitten , who thinks nothing of leaping on to your lap at mealtimes , digging her claws into your legs for support .
18 However , the evidence that I have available points me towards exploring bad object relations because to understand these , in my view , is to engage with the troubled unconscious of individuals in industrial and other enterprises .
19 Charles joins me in wishing you a perfect holiday , dearest Theo ,
20 The D G joins me in wishing you every success in your future career .
21 Women bear children in rapid succession when young and when they can no longer face the prospect of another child , they choose sterilization because it exempts them from having to take conscious and continuing responsibility for their own fertility in a culture which constantly denies women this right .
22 As regards the Niemecz mechanical organs bearing Haydn compositions : Neumann criticizes me for saying that the machines play ‘ within a narrow range , stating that the machines ’ air brakes can be set in such a way ‘ that the speed is either halved or doubled ’ , and that therefore ‘ the question of an absolute original tempo becomes pointless . ’
23 I can not describe anything , any more than you can ever describe or wish to describe a loved person , because that love strips them of possessing characteristics .
24 The only thing that worries me about taking that out is that you then create a massive empty space , if you have got
25 What is communicated can easily be a view that ignores other religions , or that interprets them inadequately within terms of a comparison with one 's own , or that accepts them without trying to relate to them so that they exist in a kind of schizophrenic soup in the mind and emotions .
26 I am greeted by a timid and frail old man who , clutching his hands nervously , thanks me for coming : a greeting he continues to offer throughout my stay .
27 Unfortunately we have lost the delicate balance between these various elements : for instance , our Warrior has nothing worth fighting for and our Wild Man has been suppressed , and that 's why , as a gender we 're all so miserable .
28 Personal computer manufacturers like Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp have been touted as potential OEM customers for NeXTStep 486 since details first emerged , but Jobs has nothing in writing yet .
29 She needs plenty of shouting at or she 'd go to sleep on her feet . ’
30 She exacerbates all his old anxieties and feelings of ambivalence towards ‘ mothers ’ , and because he can not cope , he defends himself by ignoring her as far as possible .
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