Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [vb base] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There s now hope that after three years in jail , Poole and Mills will once again get a chance to defend themselves , in court .
2 It 's little wonder that the naturally shy Morrissey often seeks to retreat .
3 Gerald has been known to coin such memorable one-liners as the following : ‘ If the joy of the Lord is our strength , it 's little wonder that the church in Britain has been so weak and ineffective ’ ; ‘ There 's no virtue in being ten or twenty years behind the times ’ ; ‘ Most Christians are nicer than God himself ’ ; ‘ It is the unshared areas of our lives where Jesus is not Lord ’ ; ‘ One of the reasons the church in Britain has failed to grow is quite simply because it is full of people who are extremely rude ’ ; ‘ Putting the life of God into institutional Christianity is rather like putting the life of a human being into a kangaroo … . ’ 'You are only a leader if someone 's following you' ( Gerald Quotes ) .
4 It 's little wonder that this month Patrick Eggle guitars occupy two of the top ten slots in the British guitar sales league .
5 Add to that the dreadfully long hours that doctors and nurses have to work — sometimes 16-18 hour shifts — and it 's little wonder that mistakes are made .
6 It 's little wonder that the fax machine is so popular and that dial-up E-mail is such a rare species .
7 What we envisage is somewhere open and staffed 24 hours a day , seven days a week , where anybody can come for help and advice .
8 all it will do is slowly soften and go in , I can assure you , you do n't need to inject it
9 We now need to consider margins where the movement is predominantly transform and plates meet along transform faults rather than at subduction zones or along collision boundaries .
10 It is optimistically forecast that women will become freer from household burdens as a result of these technological innovations .
11 and things like that and it only , it 's only become and really it 's only actually set up as a business school quite recently as well , I mean what in the past ten years or something
12 For when it comes it is more violent , more annihilating , more interminable than I can remember it , this feeling in the pit of the stomach , this physical pain and physical desire to retch , to want to get rid of something , of everything , to want to make all that is inside emerge and disappear , drain away , mingle with the rest of the detritus of the world , but it is not only physical , a physical sensation , he wrote , it is physical but it is also something else , not moral , not psychological , not spiritual , but something else , something other than the purely physical .
13 Away to the west towards Memo , Lieutenant D. St. A. Dexter , supported by Turton , blocked the enemy 's eastward push that had overrun Dutch positions , but with the difficult hill country between them and Mape , they were unlikely to link up with the other columns .
14 The College is thus issue and problem-oriented .
15 It is not know whether the Canadian forecast was available to the crew before departure from Keflavik although it had been issued prior to that time .
16 The plate has the symbol of the city , a stylized version of the Visconti family 's snake/saracen symbol , together with the building 's name , its age ( either as a date for construction or as a century if the true date is not know or irrelevant ) , and the name of the architect if known .
17 It is not fear that impedes us , but how we handle our fears .
18 All the same , solitary bucks — if they can find no existing holes to make use of — will sometimes scratch out short tunnels for shelter , although it is not work that they tackle at all seriously .
19 In Miller , an injury to the state of a person 's mind was enough ( cf. Dawson ( 1985 ) 81 Cr App R 170 on manslaughter : shock is not harm unless physical injury is caused ) .
20 It is not anger that causes violence , but the attempt to block it !
21 Then again , if it is not love that puts a bit of sparkle in your life , it will be some other form of much sought after success or happiness .
22 It is not love when the concern is the fact that I am being inconvenienced , but it is when the concern is for the damage that is being done to my partner and our relationship .
23 It is not love if it is locked up in the vaults of our dreams for a better world and a happier life .
24 That is not say that those whom it is hoped to benefit are in any sense undemanding or unsophisticated .
25 It is not wonder that Mr Chatrier seems ready to throw up his hands in despair .
26 I do realise that no-one ( that I have come across yet ) is deliberately cruel to their fish , but ignorance is not excuse when there is plenty of help and information readily available .
27 ‘ It is not meet that every nice offence should bear its comment ’ , DC 57 .
28 I would think your , your best bet Robert is just try and keep your weight steady .
29 Well what we 'd like to do now is just try and address each of those different Four G Ls in the architecture .
30 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
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