Example sentences of "[to-vb] it for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd have got someone else to write it for him .
2 The ordinary Egyptian could not write and if he wished to send a letter he would have to get a scribe to write it for him .
3 Incidentally , how did you persuade Michael Heseltine to write it for you ?
4 Dingiri Banda Wijetunga , who has been appointed acting president and will probably get the job permanently because the UNP has enough votes in parliament to secure it for him , is an unassuming 71-year-old compromise candidate .
5 Mr Hellyer asked me to hide it for him .
6 It an add-in exists to solve your specific problem , we will undertake to find it for you to at the best price .
7 This stronger sense of learning also carries with it the idea that ultimately the student is able to evaluate it for him or herself , and form a personal view about its validity ( by reading the relevant articles , by listening to the different views of the authorities on the topic , and perhaps by assisting in a clinical trial ) .
8 His tousled hair gave him an appealingly boyish appearance , and Robbie found herself aching to smooth it for him , to run her fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks .
9 If it runs right through , then you need a builder to inspect it for you ; if it is greater than
10 That , that you 've got to create it for them .
11 I unlocked the passenger door of the Transit for them but I thought it best not to open it for them or offer them a hand up and in .
12 I ran like mad to open it for her .
13 She walked past Jotan to the door , and the pages who were stationed there hastened to open it for her .
14 She went towards the second door , and Michael hurried ahead to open it for her .
15 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
16 Sotheby 's was approached towards the end of 1988 , and , according to Llewellyn , ‘ We told the seller that we certainly would not be prepared to sell it for him unless it was clear that there were no existing legal claims to be made by any third parties against the picture .
17 A botanist spent 10 minutes trying to identify it for me , while I fretted between the reception desk and the child .
18 It was Charlotte 's wish really and when she wished something we all fought to fulfil it for her .
19 SIR JACOB : All your neighbours will rejoice to hear it for thou wast ever an unmanageable rake .
20 ‘ In Andernesse I saw it , and sent my Women to fetch it for me .
21 The first is to find a timber merchant or cabinet maker who is prepared to machine it for you to the pattern you want — likely to be expensive .
22 If you remember your , from , from your history at school the , the , the first world war the Americans in the historic role of arriving at wars rather late erm came in to the first world war to win it for us erm and after it President Wilson who used to be professor of politics at Princeton , just put that in , er President Wilson created , essentially cos we were all bankrupt at the time as usual er the Americans the only ones who had any money left at the end of the wars , erm President Wilson helped to create the League of Nations , the forerunner of the United Nations but the U S senate refused to ratify the agreement .
23 Daft as it seems , we could have won it because the kick was produced too quick for Paul Simpson and we hit the ball later on , Mark Stein 's a little back header , very unlucky not to win it for us .
24 If there 's any particular tune you 'd care for , my boys will be very pleased to play it for you . ’
25 Her nose is all cold and wet and I want to wipe it for her , but I do n't .
26 We want to do it for him . ’
27 Miriam had offered to do it for him , and so had Eliza and Margaret , and he could , of course , easily have given it to the dhobi in spite of his inflated prices .
28 Because there was no Anthea to do it for him now .
29 He wanted her to do it for him , but she was busy across the hall .
30 He is , if he can get you to do it for him , then it 's done .
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