Example sentences of "[to-vb] is that a " in BNC.

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1 The most important thing to remember is that a foal should get adequate colostrum from the mare in the first four to eight hours of life .
2 What you should try to remember is that a helicopter is essentially a frictionless device and , once moving , will tend to continue moving until an opposite command is given to stop it .
3 An important point to remember is that a widow may be able to use her late husband 's NI contributions to boost the amount she receives .
4 What we need to remember is that a crude comparison of local authority figures is of limited value and our understanding of trends and contrasts would be improved if we took account of Farmer and Parker 's findings .
5 But the important thing to remember is that a map is a flat plan of an area — a sort of bird 's eye view made into a diagram .
6 A useful rule to remember is that a diagonal line between opposite corners of any rectangle is the longest dimension available .
7 The simplest view to assume is that a tape-recording of a communicative act will preserve the ‘ text ’ .
8 The most important point to understand is that a tutorial is an opportunity to share in the learning process : to share your ideas , experience , understanding and perplexities .
9 What teachers have to learn is that a child who writes ows for house , and one who writes ekstra for extra , are making the same kind of error .
10 Whatever the case , the number one lesson to learn is that a horse can not be prevented from pulling by merely pulling back at him .
11 what is sad to see is that a player like tony dorigo has not yet scored a goal this season and the same for kelly — that is : our wide defenders has not ( yet ) been a threat to the opposite team — which — if i rememeber correctly — did happen a couple of seasons back with both Love-Machine Sterland and Tony getting the occasional goal .
12 But the point to notice is that a key part of humanist thought , from the early Greeks down to the twentieth century , is the attempt to justify man 's knowledge by his reason alone , denying the necessity of faith in general and God 's revelation in particular .
13 What seems to happen is that an individual , given his arrival in a situation , reviews it in the context of his own objectives and decides that if he takes certain actions , the situation will change in the direction of his objectives .
14 The first thing to note is that a chase should be built up in exactly the way you built up the whole of your book .
15 But what I have tried to show is that a theist could actually claim to be abiding by the Verification Principle when making statements about God .
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