Example sentences of "[to-vb] is that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only problem with the plot of Strange Place to Meet is that in order to win Gerard Depardieu you need to look like Catherine Deneuve , palely gorgeous in a sable coat .
2 A very important point for married couples to know is that as a result of independent taxation each partner now enjoys his/her own annual exemption of£5,800 instead of , as before , their gains being aggregated ( i.e. added together ) for tax purposes .
3 What the lectures at the Royal Institution seem to indicate is that despite these changes the age of ‘ two cultures ’ was still some way off ; at the elite level , those interested in the advance of science also wanted to hear about other cultural activity .
4 All you need to remember is that after midday , the times shown have 12 added to them .
5 An important point to remember is that in the Keynesian model , the equilibrium level of income is not necessarily the same as the full employment level of income .
6 Now if the prediction that follows from this maze of premises turns out to be false ( in our example , if the planet does not appear at the predicted location ) , then all that the logic of the situation permits us to conclude is that at least one of the premises must be false .
7 For the manager the critical relationship to understand is that between the potential ‘ drive ’ of an individual and the nature of needs .
8 What I wish to propose is that for this poor and hungry population many of the physiological symptoms of which they complain are also symptoms of chronic hunger .
9 A point to emphasize is that in each case the material was obtained from natural sources distant and sometimes remote from the places where it was put to social use .
10 ‘ What you 've got to watch is that for about two hours there are no lights in the train . ’
11 One of the things I want to argue is that in order to construct certain exemplary models of antiracist policy and practice it has been necessary to operate in terms of a reductive representation of racism , one which not only scales down its reality , but ignores its more complex features .
12 What I am trying to argue is that in Germany the contradiction between bourgeoisie and civil society — as exemplified above in the contradiction of state and cultural modernism — was much much sharper than elsewhere .
13 Presumably the reason why the lights appear stationary while the " ghost " is seen to revolve is that during the duration of any light the stimulus from it is accompanied by fused after-images of the other three .
14 What is important to realize is that for Yeats certainly , and I think at times for Pound also , the only alternative open was a sorry second best .
15 But what I 'm trying to explain is that at night the hrududil have great lights , brighter than Frith himself .
16 For what we have also to notice is that in some of the most advanced technologies — in one sector video and new kinds of print reproduction ; in another sector common-carrier types of transmission , such as cable and teletext opportunities for some significant recovery of direct access to their means of production , for some modern kinds of cultural producer , either exist or can be realistically looked for .
17 The first observation to make is that as a code , language is multilevelled .
18 The point I want to make is that in most cases they could not .
19 For now , the point I wish to make is that in regard to the notional/functional syllabus , although there is a change in the way of describing the content units for language teaching , this change tends to be assimilated into traditional and well-established ways of thinking about the syllabus as a pedagogic construct .
20 And the other interesting point to note is that over a number of years — over 5 or 6 years — all categories are consistently running at 90% occupancy .
21 The important point to note is that under such vicarious arrangements the vendor remains responsible directly to the customer and will still be sued by the customer for non-performance or for breach of the contract if the work has not been undertaken in accordance with the terms of the contract .
22 An important point to note is that since the introduction of independent taxation , a married woman is entitled to have her section of the joint pension offset against her own personal allowance instead of it being counted as part of her husband 's taxable income .
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