Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh det] be be " in BNC.

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1 At first it will be helpful to know which is being described , but later , having worked through the chosen list , you could try to pick out which is being described when one category is chosen ( you do not know which ) in random order .
2 Most coursebooks have accompanying recorded material , which should serve to consolidate what is being learnt with the teacher from the coursebook .
3 ‘ You think I do n't have the right to know what 's being said behind my back ? ’
4 They need to know what is being done by the local education authorities and , through them , what is happening in the schools .
5 One still needs to know what is being measured .
6 Nonetheless every partner will have a right to know what is being carried on in his firm 's name and for which he is ultimately answerable .
7 ‘ There must have been a reason for it , like not wanting anyone to know what was being carried aboard Titron . ’
8 The two leaders will meet again at the end of January , and later to sign a treaty on co-operation and good neighbourly relations by next spring which is to cement what is being described as a ‘ Treaty-based relationship . ’
9 Lizzy stared at her mother and Kate could see her trying to comprehend what was being said .
10 She crept closer , straining to hear what was being said .
11 It was hard to hear what was being said , but someone had put a nail through a pipe .
12 He was still grinning when he left the centre and as Rachel began clearing up the soiled dressings she strained her ears to hear what was being said in the office .
13 Partnerships , small scale as well as large , need a clear sense of purpose made explicit in objectives , they need a strategic plan for achieving these objectives which is communicated to and understood by those involved and they need a review and evaluation process built into the whole to determine what is being achieved .
14 Though slow motion can be comic , it usually is not ; rather , it increases viewers ' concentration as they try to determine what is being emphasized .
15 Hands that flutter , flap or fiddle ; the nervous twitch ; repeated sniffing or dangling earrings ; the constant movement of the head , the wagging finger etc may fascinate the listener — busy with these details , he wo n't try to understand what is being said .
16 Fourth , the adult 's ongoing assessment of the child 's ability to understand what is being said and to make herself understood , may determine what the adult talks about and the way in which adult language is related to the context .
17 Becker , on the other hand , who tends to use a more open-ended style of interviewing , has argued that the interviewer should sometimes ‘ play dumb ’ and pretend not to understand what is being said , in order to prompt the respondent into saying more .
18 Lastly , they would remove what is undoubtedly , in the case above , the single most important feature needed to understand what is being said : the fact that these two people are involved in moving a piano and A ( a middle-aged man trying to assert his authority ) is already supporting its weight : hence , perhaps , his impatience , breathlessness , and desperate switch from ordering to pleading with B , a youth who has only reluctantly agreed to come along and help .
19 This programme can only succeed if the public are able to understand what is being done with their money , and why , and are encouraged to work with the landowners concerned so that the most practical and cost- efficient results are obtained .
20 The words , especially the names — Findias , Falias , Murias — seemed to shimmer in her mind like strong light , and she knew it was important to understand what was being said to her ; but still she felt leaden .
21 Several other students were concerned about their inability to understand what was being taught in the lectures ; a commonly expressed view was that they could n't take notes and follow what was being said at the same time .
22 You would need to know which meaning was intended in order to understand what was being said .
23 The main message to get across is that concentration on selective , analytic listening will help them to recognise what is being said , and that practice usually brings confidence .
24 It should cause every parent to check what is being done at local schools .
25 Notice that Wordsworth can play off speech-rhythm against the iambic pattern ; if one reads the extract aloud ‘ List'ning ’ and ‘ Broke ’ , for example , are heard to run counter to the expected rhythm and help the verse to mime what is being described .
26 Propositions 53 — 71 are the application of this thought to expectation ( for example , 56 : ‘ If someone could see the expectation itself — he would have to see what is being expected ’ ; 60 : ‘ Reality is not a property still missing in what is expected and which accedes to it when one 's expectation comes about ’ ) ; 331–70 , to colours ( for example , 331 : ‘ One is tempted to justify rules of grammar by sentences like ‘ But there really are four primary colours .
27 Because computer memory was prohibitively expensive and the machines terribly slow ( at least by today 's standards ) it was impossible for the compositor to see what was being typeset until it had all been processed .
28 What this means is that telephones utilise variations in electrical current to mirror what is being fed into them , in this case the human voice .
29 Even if the outgoing employee has no constructive criticism to make of the job , the period of compiling the job specification prior to the interview is an invaluable chance to reconsider what exactly the job involves and to compare what is being done to what is really needed .
30 We have to ask what is being decentralised ?
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