Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] i have " in BNC.

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1 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
2 Nobody seemed to accept that I 'd been in charge of my own body and my own medication for the best part of my life ; they seemed to think that was a very strange idea .
3 I 'm asking you to accept that I 've got reasons , and not to ask me what they are .
4 It may be a consolation for them to know that I 've been at the receiving end myself .
5 But it helps a lot to know that I 've balanced the books . ’
6 ‘ It may interest you to know that I 've just had Mr Standish on the phone .
7 You might like to know that I 've approached no other company .
8 ‘ In view of your opinion of me , it wo n't surprise you to know that I 've been out with a couple of the other men from the station over the past week , ’ Maria volunteered stormily , halting and then swinging round to face him again .
9 You might like to know that I have recently been in touch with a Mme Francine Roussel ( University of Nancy II , 23 Blvd Albert 1e , Nancy 54000 ) who is just completing a survey review of concordancers .
10 It might help you to know that I have been writing down my dreams on waking , an accepted practice , I believe , in some circles , and perhaps of more use in my case than in some as I am by profession a writer .
11 He said : ‘ But I 'm so happy to know that I have such warm and loving relatives .
12 It was a very great shock to me to discover that I had motor neurone disease .
13 Bainbridge has a lovely village green which was the setting for nothing more remarkable than the fact that I arrived there one day to walk over from Bainbridge to Cam Houses with Tony and Eddie , the landlord from my local pub , only to discover that I 'd left my walking boots back at home in Dentdale and had to do the entire walk in a pair of fur-lined cowboy boots , which earned me the nickname of Roy Rogers for the rest of the week .
14 It came as a relief at this stage to find that I had got my sums right , and everything met where it ought !
15 Winding down I gave a firm strike only to find that I had missed the take , I was gutted .
16 When I regained consciousness it was to find that I 'd injured my spine and the doctor had ordered that I was to stay put , otherwise there was the possibility that I 'd end up a cripple .
17 " My dear great-niece , Sara Monroe , will be surprised and perhaps a little chagrined to find that I have not left Moorlake outright to her as I always promised , but when she has met Matthew Preston she will , I know , understand why I have changed my mind .
18 I could n't go back to work although I had tried several times and socializing was no fun at all .
19 Voting for Maastricht and hoping that the Tories can be beaten at a later date on the Social Chapter was a decision I found difficult to accept and I have done my homework on this issue .
20 The next day I was walking to work and I 'd just got as far as the hospital .
21 I have been puzzling to establish and I have failed , whether on the fourteenth of January nineteen eighty seven when the Secretary of State wrote the notice of approval , which in confirms his view that forty three per hectare is right , whether the use classes order had then been amended .
22 Well , you know , I mean I 'd like to know if I 've answered them right , you know .
23 well it 's Wednesday now look , just even to know if I 've got something there
24 She said to Rourke , ‘ You wanted to know if I 'd lent out keys to anyone — the telephone engineer , you said , and the man who came to see to the new extension around the back . ’
25 Before I had been there a month my eyes began to suffer and I had to start wearing glasses for close work .
26 They would n't have got me to come if I had n't had , if I .
27 It was time to find if I had managed to stay within my budget .
28 She was the first dog that I got to know and I 've been a sucker for them ever since .
29 ‘ When I bought the VF I left it completely standard because I wanted to establish if I had any talent .
30 Then I began to worry if I had done the right thing .
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