Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Mike Teague would also be put out if his comeback with second division Moseley were to go so well that he 's in contention for a place .
2 Get those who are with you on the mat to sit down so that the emergency services have a clear view across the area and can move quickly in the event of accident .
3 The specific grant , introduced in April 1991 , should encourage authorities to plan together so that a broad spectrum of services is developed and there are no gaps for individual patients to fall down .
4 But Allied and neutral losses continued to mount so steeply that the Germans supposed a further five months would see Great Britain subdued .
5 Fujitsu Ltd is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs , and says it will scale back its planned development projects on semiconductors to cut costs for new production facilities : ‘ We will more carefully choose which development projects to work on so that we will sell only profitable products , ’ a spokesman told Reuters in Tokyo , adding that the effect would be to trim the number of different chip products in its line by some 20% .
6 On July 27 , 100 deputies and senators from the Solidarity Centre Alliance had petitioned Jaruzelski to stand down so that Walesa could be named President in his place .
7 Ruth 's heart began to thump so loudly that she thought he must hear it .
8 In each case the argument was much the same : in crisis , it was the duty of politicians to come together so that the best men could be used to the greatest advantage , and so that shibboleths of party could be discarded .
9 In a sense the recent pressure of work was a blessing , for it isolated her , forcing her to concentrate so intensely that she simply had no time to dig deeply into such perplexities .
10 Thomas suddenly started to shake so badly that the ice in his glass chattered .
11 So the current position is that there 's been substantial progress er in Greater York , and I think its testimony to the willingness of the Greater York authorities to work together there that there 's been such a level of agreement I think probably er never before achieved in the Greater York area as to the direction that Greater York erm er should take .
12 From this it is possible to infer not only that the Ørslev carbonates were deposited as a patch reef like Aabenraa , but also that they were subjected to the same diagenesis and that this resulted in the development of comparable pore types .
13 He wished to know not simply that he was looking for something , but what it was and what it looked like .
14 So specifiers will need to know not just that a tile meets EC requirements , but — crucially in northern Europe — in what way it meets those requirements .
15 The classification of land from a planning point of view was discussed earlier in this chapter , but the developer will need to establish not only that the site has a valid planning consent which has not expired , but also the conditions associated with the approval .
16 He had talked her into ringing him when she wanted to come home so that he could pick her up , make sure she was safe .
17 Her palms were sweating as she stood in the wings in her best green dress waiting for them to come off so that she could get on .
18 We therefore ask Members to seek very considerable revision to the Bill in Committee , in order to secure more confidently that the reforms will realise their intentions . ’
19 And I 'm gon na ask Catherine to stand up so that you can all see who she is .
20 With it came a sudden clarity of atmosphere , so that the trees and haystacks stood out in high relief , and the distant hills seemed to come nearer now that their outline was sharply etched on the horizon .
21 Culpeper advised it as being " very effectual for all pains in the head coming of a cold cause " , and modern research seems to indicate fairly conclusively that chewing the fresh leaves daily has considerable help in curing migraine .
22 But they were some well on , lo and behold , could open the door er two or three minutes late and c er call the er number , Yes sir , er as they entered the class and they would get their mark , this being I think you got a red mark if you were late , t to stand out so that an inspector who came down periodically could look down the register and there was the record of who was early and who was late by the colour of the ink-pens , I think .
23 They 're going to find out eventually that I 'm doing nothing . ’
24 She was going to find out shortly that she could n't get on the wrong side of Harry without paying for it .
25 Under the first few sample questions are guidelines to help you understand what the interviewer is hoping to find out so that you can construct replies which show why you are the candidate who should get the job .
26 Already more than 100 management agreements are under discussion and the number is expected to increase dramatically now that the guidelines are in force .
27 I want you to know round here that if anyone 's taking pictures , you better ask George Felix before . ’
28 Behind Sweeney Agonistes lies Rivers , but Eliot 's interpretation and use of Rivers owes much to the Stevensonian world of his childhood reading , where white men seek paradise with island wives arrayed in ‘ the scarlet flowers of the hibiscus ’ , only to find too often that they are condemned to a life of soul-destroying boredom where ‘ Night on the Beach ’ is followed monotonously by ‘ Morning on the Beach ’ .
29 Newton was sufficiently imaginative to see not only that ‘ there is something alike ’ in the falling of a stone and the rising of the tides , but also that all bodies ‘ have a mutual tendency towards each other ’ .
30 He turned on the shower and waited for the hot water to flow through so that he could adjust the temperature .
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