Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 As I work freelance from home my days/hours can be completely flexible .
2 Since Sotheby 's catalogue categorically stated that their version was ‘ unknown ’ to me , it seemed reasonable that my views should be made known to them .
3 I 'm ashamed to say my Artists can be found anywhere around the house , not at all in order .
4 The decisions of the committee would be crucial in determining whether my proposals would be enacted .
5 I question both the justice of all governments and the principle by which my taxes can be used to pay for machines of mass destruction .
6 ‘ What happens is that maybe I 'll just see the shape of some chords , or where my fingers should be on the frets .
7 I am going to attempt such a classification not with the belief that it is either scientific — this University has a Department of Criminology , and I am sure that my attempts would be regarded as very crude in those august circles — nor with the idea that the classification will be exhaustive , but by way of illustration of my essential point that different criminal phenomena , or anti-law-and-order phenomena , require different types of reaction on the part of the rest of society and imply different prognoses .
8 I turned and plunged downwards , hoping my footfalls would be masked by his , making-plans as I went .
9 Readers of my books will be only too aware of this negative tradition within Christianity which denies that animals have minds , reason , souls , sentience or status .
10 My kids will be driving their aunts and their bubbeh round the bend … ’
11 ‘ Well you do n't think my lads would be out here just for the bloody exercise , do you ? ’
12 ‘ I have some rather good jewellery ’ ( and it was as if somewhere among her assortment of boxes was a very special one — but there was not — a mysterious Ali Baba store of necklaces , bracelets , rings , even a tiara ) ; ‘ I do n't think my insurers would be very pleased to know that a window was left open at night . ’
13 Thompson , making a tour of the Lancashire cotton belt , continued to regard himself as independent in late 1853 but promised Chamerovzow , ‘ My exhortations shall be to unite upon broad principles for a common object . ’
14 Some of my methods may be a little unorthodox , but I do n't cheat the law . ’ ,
15 In 100 years time my worries will be of no consequence .
16 ‘ Luckily it 's a very old bath and only my shoulders could be seen , ’ she managed to joke .
17 This other more rigid lever which is gouging a hole in the knee of my tights must be the hand-brake .
18 I thought my eyes must be starting out of my head , too , but there was little I could do ; I was trying the best I could to think of something distracting to say to Eric .
19 After all , the reformist might say , some of my readers will be men .
20 By this point some of my readers will be up in arms .
21 ‘ I have been silent ’ ( this was news to the Lionisers ) ‘ but my lips shall be sealed no longer .
22 but not by thee my steps shall be ,
23 Glaring at Matt , she snapped , ‘ How dare you say my ears could be used for horse blinkers ?
24 I calculated finally that my savings would be able to meet all the costs I might incur , and in addition , might stretch to the purchase of a new costume .
25 Just as well : this fresh humiliation and the subsequent return with tail between my legs would be the final nail in my professional coffin .
26 My brothers 'd be watching his every move , just hoping he 'd put a foot wrong so they could jump in and scrag him .
27 I said I 'll put my shoes back on but I do n't know what my feet will be like when I get out the bus
28 Do you know what , I think one of my feet must be longer than the other !
29 My chips will be cold by now .
30 My brother Jack , tired of the atmosphere at home , had left when he was 16 to live with friends , and Uncle Joe started coming round when he knew my parents would be out .
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