Example sentences of "[v-ing] as it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 They walked towards the unsteady steps , and a figure took shape out of the darkness , weaving as it came and blinking dazedly as the lantern was lifted to illuminate its face .
2 First oval and single , then weaving as it spun , like a water-lily on a stem , then suddenly seen as articulate in separate petals , a limp magnolia flower .
3 Bacon 's case , occurring as it did after eighteen years of Stuart rule , can not be taken as evidence for judicial corruption under the Tudors .
4 Seagram 's victory in the 1991 Grand National was an extraordinary coincidence occurring as it did in the final year of the company 's sponsorship of the race .
5 The Oceanis thundered down the middle of the harbour , the anchor crunching as it picked up several chains on the bottom .
6 One way out of this dead-end situation , denying as it did the possibility of a human relationship , was taken by Donne in his love-poems , where the woman is no longer on a pedestal but is discovered in bed with the poet .
7 The News of the World 's vision should stand with the many other bizarre sightings of that year , blending as it did fear of modernity evil American sophistication — the threat of revamped Limehouse opium dens , courtesy of Indica 's Indian music , and the throwback to holiday camp drilling thanks to ‘ organized ’ LSD experiences .
8 One of the Tower 's famous black ravens emerged from the fog , enormous , wings flapping as it cawed at them .
9 Tears filled her eyes as the truth danced before her , but they ebbed without spilling as it danced away again .
10 A car was coming up the track at high speed , creaking and groaning as it went over the bumps .
11 The adoption of a co-operative strategy in 1934 rapidly brought the PCF back into the mainstream of French party politics , capturing as it did the popular imagination of the French nation .
12 Arguably , this public proclamation of secretarian communist beliefs during the election campaign , alerting as it did the bourgeois authorities to the subversive political activities of this " Red Messiah " , and resulting in Nizan 's transfer to Auch , precipitated his decision to become a fully integrated member of the PCF .
13 It 's circulation was peaking as it reached its fiftieth edition .
14 Rincewind found that he was now hanging onto the end of a tongue of bark and fibre , lengthening as it peeled away from the tree .
15 The track had , he recalled , two branches , separating as it dropped from the heathy ridge that looked down upon the river .
16 The comradeship , energy and commitment of the core of the Working Party , comprising as it did a lot of very different people , was an example of the possibilities of uniting diverse interests and oppressions to the mutual advantage of all concerned , including management .
17 Under her direction , the squad became a very close-knit affair comprising as it did four cousins , six nephews and a younger brother ( 42 ) .
18 He had , however , chosen to publicise his act of departure , and this public disavowal , coinciding as it did with a ferocious government anti-communist crackdown , was inevitably interpreted as a treacherous stab in the back that could not pass unavenged .
19 Nizan 's entry to the AEAR and his initial involvement in Co in mane , coinciding as it did with Hitler 's accession to power , doubtless marked the beginning of a gradual transition to popular front politics .
20 Moreover , as he made clear , he found the measured pace and rhythm of the work especially congenial , coinciding as it did with a period of remarkable creative gestation .
21 Coinciding as it did with Alan 's trainee appointment to the firm of Lark and Clarkson , Architects , back in the city where he was born , the money marked the beginning of a new era in Alan and Carolyn 's married life .
22 Coinciding as it did with the announcement of major price rises for key consumer products , and with growing concern about rising levels of unemployment , Walesa 's stated ambition to foment " permanent political war " within the Polish system threatened a severe destabilization of the Government 's political platform .
23 The victory of supporters of Rafsanjani 's " moderate " administration in the October elections for the Assembly of Experts [ see above ] , coinciding as it did with higher oil revenues and regional political developments as a result of the Gulf crisis , worked to strengthen the administration and effectively silence the Islamic regime 's " radical " wing suspicious of internal reforms and of economic and political opening to the West .
24 The creature looked expectantly at Twoflower , its skin rippling and twitching as it sought to open its wings in the confines of the passage .
25 Though Lewis is said to have found the task of writing these letters morally exhausting — entailing as it did the ceaseless identification of himself with the malign and diabolical point of view — their great strength is that , rather like a dramatic monologue by Browning , they reveal the speaker without succumbing to his terrible outlook .
26 The magic faded away — slowly , over the millenia , releasing as it decayed myriads of sub-astral particles that severely distorted the reality around it …
27 British Coal , in proceeding as it did , failed to secure the responsible and appropriate use of the house it had promised .
28 Religion was important here , inculcating as it did the traditions of service and good works .
29 Its colour was of brilliant red on the left hand side , but dispersing as it went to the right ending up a pale green colour .
30 It was against this background of ‘ stagflation ’ that monetarism increasingly became more influential , providing as it did an alternative explanation of the economic problems of the time as well as a potential remedy .
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