Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Sammy was yapping and jumping up and down , waiting for him at the bottom .
2 It is the quality of each individual experience which is vital to the Teacher Placement Service and how organisers do everything to ensure that the preparation , matching and follow up support is of the highest standard .
3 I was not allowed to return to Bolivia , so I spent my time and energy denouncing what was happening and setting up solidarity networks .
4 ‘ See you , ’ I say and escape to City Road , where an off-licencee is opening and looks up surprised to see an office yuppie ( his definition ) among the line of winoes so early in the morning-o !
5 Talking softly the whole time , he slowly ran his hands over her , caressing , gentling and scratching up and down her mane where once her mother would have lovingly nibbled her , then progressing to her back and flanks .
6 The story goes that , one day , the goddess was dusting and picked up a ball of lint dropped by a blue humming-bird , placing it inside her apron .
7 they were laughing and giggling up the corner and er , I mean I did go just to let them know that although I did say I would n't come to every meeting I was quite prepared to still do
8 It seemed as good a time as any to go , so I went down to the squat in the King 's Road where I was living and picked up my passport .
9 Some climbers are very enthusiastic about the new proposal , recognising that the current system needs revising and bringing up to date .
10 Tom Horrocks dropped his head , hands at his knees , groaning and smiling up at them .
11 It is establishing and keeping up mutual understanding between an organisation and the people it wants to reach .
12 Half time was fantastic too — community pushing and shoving up and down ( mostly down ) the back of the kop for the heck of it was in order .
13 Lee gave him a shove , there was some pushing and tripping up , Kevin fell over into Dean 's lap and a woman at the other end of the car shouted that if they did n't behave themselves she 'd find someone at Goldhawk Road who would make them .
14 She had gone through all the rigmarole of dressing and making up almost on automatic pilot , deriving none of the normal pleasure from the procedure .
15 I realise that you can never really win against the water ; it will always triumph in the end , seeping and soaking and building up and undermining and overflowing .
16 Lightly oil 16×10cm/4in filo squares , spoon on filling and draw up edges into purses .
17 When Razor went down the first time I was shouting and jumping up and down , ’ she said .
18 She stopped shouting and gave up hammering on the door .
19 The harvesters followed the machine , picking and tying up bundles of corn .
20 Abrupt relaxations of the upper oesophageal sphincter independent of swallowing and lasting up to three seconds occurred during 54% of common cavity episodes .
21 ACTOR Ryan O'Neal stumped up £25,000 bail after son Griffin was accused of terrorising and beating up his 24-year-old ex-lover .
22 Sandys soon found that the easiest part of his Nuclear Reformation was writing and pinning up his ‘ Articles of Religion ’ in Westminster .
23 To do this they arranged a movable slit to open for a wide ΔΕ when the photodiode array is operating and close up for a narrow ΔΕ for the spectral detector .
24 Right after that you 'll learn that once the bird is stabilised in the dive it 's all too easy to be a bit late recovering and end up pulling g .
25 it 's reacting and taking up oxygen .
26 Lourdes , one of the Marian shrines most loved by the Christian people , is both a place and a symbol of hope and grace , characterised by accepting and offering up redemptive suffering .
27 ‘ From now on , it 's healthy eating , ’ she announces to her underwhelmed offspring and insists that they and their father go jogging and serves up watercress soup for tea .
28 One of them was his habitual slowness , especially in handling and totting up cash ; for , before he took up duties in the foreign exchange department of Lloyds in the semi-basement room at the branch at 20 King William Street ( no wonder that the eyes and back , at the end of the day , turned ‘ upward ’ from the desk ) , he worked for a period behind the counter .
29 In general there was concern to protect the security of their own providers in the first year , to try to sort out the information base for contracting and setting up appropriate systems .
30 Steve had finished eating and looked up .
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