Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] it have " in BNC.

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1 Whatever criticisms may be made of the STV there is no denying that it has proved viable in its own fashion in twenty-two general elections in the Republic of Ireland .
2 Jan. 27 USC broadcasts statement on Radio Mogadishu announcing that it had taken over the government .
3 The arguments centred on scheduling , with Serbia and Montenegro insisting that referendums should take place in each republic at the same time and with the same questions , Croatia announcing that it had already scheduled its referendum for May 19 , Macedonia asking for a postponement of the deadline to mid-June , and Bosnia-Hercegovina suggesting that the referendum should take place in two stages .
4 Merrill was drying her hair on Saturday afternoon when Diane from the next flat knocked at the door and held out a letter addressed to Merrill , explaining that it had been included with her junk mail which she had ignored until a moment ago .
5 But if you are working from a consultancy or from an office situated at some distance from the manufacturing units you will need to organise a system for sending a product out and checking that it has gone .
6 One has the odd title of the Boulevard du B.A.B. , revealing that it has taken over the line of the old tramway , the Bayonne-Anglet-Biarritz ; the other , further back from the coast , is the N10 , once the crowded highway along which French motorists hurtled into northern Spain but now a gentler place to drive , the motorway having supplanted it .
7 I 've learnt a lot , my job depends on me driving and it 's made me realise how much I can drink , how much I ca n't drink , what I can drink and realising about road accidents .
8 It was emptying but it 's started filling up again .
9 Maintaining that it had the power to negotiate now that there was a common market for air transport , the Commission said it would be better if the EC negotiated key accords with major competitors such as the US and Asia .
10 Maintaining that it had the power to negotiate now that there was a common market for air transport , the Commission said it would be better if the EC negotiated key accords with major competitors such as the US and Asia .
11 Examination of the metal showed that it had always been in a clean condition with no evidence of corrosion , suggesting that it had never been buried .
12 The official report states that the broken piece of window bar was later found to have adhesive tape wrapped around each end , suggesting that it had been severed beforehand .
13 According to the conventional wisdom , fusion required great heat and hence could only have happened when the Earth was being formed ; however , if the Earth is five billion years old , all the helium would by now have risen away , yet it was there in amounts suggesting that it had appeared in the atmosphere only recently .
14 The association of thrust faulting on the margins of the Tibetan Plateau with normal faulting in its highest regions has been interpreted as suggesting that it has attained its maximum elevation , and that consequently it is tending to grow outwards rather than increase in altitude .
15 ‘ Well , he said that he wanted to do something useful with his life , seeing that it had been given back to him when he had n't expected it .
16 A former SADF intelligence major , Nico Basson , met a group of journalists in Johannesburg on June 10 and made sensational charges against the SADF , including that it had armed and trained killers loyal to the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party to attack ANC supporters .
17 People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time .
18 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
19 That policy was overturned in two minutes flat but it is worth remembering that it had held sway since the inception of the service areas fifteen years earlier .
20 Working on the project was an awful lot of hard work , and a lot of soul searching but it 's been worth it .
21 In Kennedy v. Broun ( 1863 ) 13 C.B. 677 ( Common Pleas ) Erle C.J. said that in Lampleigh v. Brathwait , ‘ it was assumed that the journeys which the plaintiff performed at the request of the defendant , and the other services he rendered , would have been sufficient to make any promise binding if it had been connected therewith in one contract ; the peculiarity of the decision lies in connecting a subsequent promise with a prior consideration after it had been executed .
22 And went down into the kitchen , whose door she boldly opened , not caring that it had been shut to bar her out .
23 This last provision looks so sweeping that there is a danger of supposing that it has swept away all difference between legal and equitable rights .
24 The company called it the most significant announcement in its personal computer history , adding that it had two aims : firstly , to become the number one in personal systems in Europe ; second , to be the number one supplier and implementor of choice for client-server technology .
25 It quoted him as saying that " if the Iraqis had given a positive response to our call sooner , the situation would be different now " , but also as adding that it had become " evident " that " the USA and its allies are pursuing wider aims than Iraq 's withdrawal from Kuwait " .
26 A World Bank spokesman responded to the leak by denying that the memo in any way represented Bank policy , and adding that it had been written in a deliberately ironic tone in order to provoke internal debate within the organization .
27 — ‘ Non , ’ Alyssia said , mastering the French word and deciding that it had a certain ring to it when used in conversation with this particular woman .
28 However , it is not unusual to see pilots take off towards a heavy rain shower on a good soaring day instead of waiting until it has passed .
29 said once I said and I , when she 's been going and it 's been cold out there I said to her cos she always comes on a Tuesday dinner time
30 Dalgliesh found himself wondering if it had been brought back from a school trip to the capital .
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