Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some say that to belong to the kingdom of Heaven is the same as belonging to the Church .
2 The only way in which the discrimination between A and B can be enhanced is by some process that reduces the role of the c elements in producing generalization from A to B. It is not apparent that establishing associations between A and X and between B and Y will do this , even though X and Y themselves hold rather few ( z ) elements in common .
3 He left Helen and went to have a bath and in the cold steamy bathroom there came to him this vision of a distant unreal Helen looking — well , radiant was the unexpected word that came to mind — looking not her usual self at all in some frock that glowed and billowed and rustled as she came in at the front door late , pink-cheeked , a touch dishevelled and greeted by the stone wall of Dorothy 's disapproval .
4 In copper-oxide superconducting materials , this suggest that to raise the critical temperature you want to make the lattice smaller .
5 There is therefore some hope that imprisoning executives might , through incapacitation and deterrence , bring down the incidence of corporate crime .
6 They had crossed more than half a mile of open pasture without a trace of cover , expecting every moment some attack that did not come .
7 Adam 's eyes were closed , in some state that looked colder and more complicated than sleep .
8 Charlie Jordan was sitting beside his boat enjoying a pipe while he repaired some tackle that had been damaged .
9 Some argue that lifting the embargo would add a ‘ moral ’ component to American policy .
10 So you want it arranged in some form that makes it easy to retrieve ( find ) the specific item you are looking for at any given moment .
11 These reveal that forecast turnover has been achieved and gross margins have been maintained .
12 However most of these assume that misspelled words have been identified , and concentrate on methods of comparison of the word in error to a number of candidates .
13 This division , which quite unintentionally put the uncharted territory of Brazil into the Portuguese section , encouraged the Spanish and Portuguese to believe that they had a right , backed by a religious authority recognized by every country in western Europe , to all land that did not have a settled and effective government , and that they were entitled to monopolize the trade of these new territories .
14 Everyone in the industry agrees that quality will be the key to success and of course they all say that means them .
15 It is not at all clear that stepping up the competition between schools and colleges , and between the territorially ambitious award bodies , will produce the broad choices in education and training that ought to be an entitlement post-16 , just as much as the national curriculum is before that watershed .
16 ‘ I 'm sure you all know that Trace Coley , the daughter of Kevin Coley , Chairman of Doggie Dins and our sponsor , is South Sussex 's Number One in the final today , ’ announced Fatty Harris .
17 We all know that breaking a mirror may cost us seven year 's bad luck , but did you know that …
18 Never trust politicians — but you all know that do n't you ?
19 You all know that retires from her position as Society Chairman at the next AGM .
20 I mean , we all know that having to shake tins , the number of people who go past by on the other side , and I think that we do have to be careful with the numbers , and even those people who normally give do get a bit fed up if there are too many .
21 While there are still reservations among orthopaedic surgeons about the problems of removing the artificial hip and the long-term stability of the coatings , many believe that using these coatings offers the potential for much longer lifetimes of the artificial joint and their use in younger patients .
22 Many believe that playing standards will improve only when more young players are attracted to rugby , which means getting them into the clubs at youth level .
23 Will he urge the chairman to carry out a study of the economics of mining anthracite from small drift mines employing up to 75 people because many believe that mined in that way , anthracite could be extremely saleable and competitive in relation to both opencast operations and imports of Chinese coal ?
24 Many believe that paid special pleading with MPs is wrong in that some may be able to afford it and others not , so that those with money have an unfair advantage in putting across their points of view .
25 All stock that has been held for more than twenty months at the balance sheet date will be written down to scrap value with reference to independently verifiable third party documentation ;
26 Box Office buzzing , houses full , all swell that ends swell .
27 But these factors are correlated only with hypnotic responsiveness , not with any change that takes place within hypnosis itself .
28 We certainly do not intend to make any change that denies any asylum seeker or immigration applicant full , professional and convenient advice .
29 Associativity has a similar explanation except that the required depolarization is provided by a different set of afferent fibres ; in theory , these ‘ helper ’ inputs could use any neurotransmitter that promotes depolarization , and , experimentally , depolarization is often provided by injecting current into the cell .
30 The decay constant F includes any process that destroys c1 , c2 or their correlation .
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