Example sentences of "[det] that [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 It was this that made it possible for the whole of the cuckoo 's breeding cycle to be filmed , resulting in an early classic of wildlife photography , The Cuckoo 's Secret .
2 Community participation in conservation can occur under a variety of different circumstances , but one can identify some that make it easier .
3 Er erm I think , I mean they all eat most of them eat the ham , there were a few that sent it back I think it was probably a bit much for them .
4 There 's one muscle that pulls your arm that way and another that pulls it back again .
5 But these that do it they must be bloody experienced at it they could do it so quick as they was doing it .
6 AND ALL THAT made it a busy year for Autocar & Motor .
7 Mervyn Wilson gives a good service to his cricket clients and it is hoped that he was able to put his money where his mouth is and lay this price to all that wanted it to reasonable limits .
8 ‘ But the balance sheets that you gave Craig and the fact that the thefts went on while he was in prison , did n't all that prove it was his brother 's fault ? ’
9 But all that preceded it was very important too .
10 Not only did they enjoy it but it certainly worked extremely well for those that followed it properly .
11 Identifying theirs from those that surround it would seem to be a baffling task in the darkness and some researchers believe that a bird is able to recognise the particular smell of its own burrow .
12 Consensys is looking to add a native Motif implementation for those that require it .
13 After a trial which ended with his conviction , the well-known preacher was publicly hanged — which shocked those who read of it , and even more those that witnessed it , but did not deter James Neild and The Thatched House Society from continuing its fine work .
14 Further analysis showed no differences in results between schools in which the projects were taught for only the minimum time compared with those that taught it for longer .
15 Additionally , says Millerand , elaborate Louis XIV furniture has a much narrower audience than later eighteenth-century styles , and those that like it may simply not have the space to accommodate such a very large piece of furniture .
16 The spiny newt of China goes through the same sort of contortions to warn off those that threaten it and adds a special deterrent all its own .
17 The dilemma in policy is to distinguish those aids which militate against the efficient working of the competitive system from those that facilitate it .
18 At the same time , though less abrasive , the book is only intermittently less sophisticated than those that preceded it .
19 The ones we 've picked are a bit quieter and slightly more out of the main hubbub of our favourite resorts , to offer just a little more privacy and peace and quiet for those that want it .
20 Those that have it often come to wish they had n't . ’
21 Although it will never attain real equality , a democratic society will seek to ensure that there is a redistribution in wealth through taxation which funds the services which provide help to those that need it .
22 And greater success at wealth creation has also meant that we have been in a better position to provide practical help to those that need it .
23 But I mean , surely i if there 's not enough to go round then those that need it most should get most ?
24 According to , ‘ this provides early support for those that need it and is cost-effective for the company , because an employee is back to productivity sooner and there is no extended sick leave ’ .
25 He had heard old men in the workhouse say it was a good place for brave boys , and that there was always work there for those that wanted it .
26 the dinner organization was better cos we did manage to get seconds out to those that wanted it .
27 Our children were fit and had opportunities for travel and a university education was there for those that wanted it .
28 Besides , it is not always easy to distinguish treatments that alleviate symptoms and enhance life from those that prolong it ; this point is well illustrated by the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for cardiac failure .
29 And whatever views the Exchequer Chamber may have had about their decision , succeeding generations have regarded it as the starting-point of a liability wider than any that preceded it .
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