Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 At the same time it needs to be stressed that despite his close relations with Wagner the man and his reverence for Wagner the artist , Nietzsche 's first-hand acquaintance with his idol 's artistic achievements was in one important respect limited : experience of Wagnerian music drama in its proper theatrical setting was largely denied him .
2 Thomas had decided that in his piece of writing he would set out his speculations on the history of the piece of wood .
3 Branson had decided that after his experiences in America with the Pistols , Lydon needed a holiday ; a keen reggae fan , he could also help on auditions .
4 Incidentally it has now been revealed that at his farewell party , Berkshire director Anne Parker described him as ‘ round and cuddly ’ .
5 It is argued that in his later life Marx was heavily influenced by Engels and his writings were much less determinist as a consequence .
6 Sir Ian has promised that under his chairmanship the collective Northern business voice will be heard by ‘ those responsible for shaping the future of the North . ’
7 It was noted that in his speech he stressed that Albania 's perestroika was irreversible and that economic reform would take priority , albeit at a gradual pace .
8 Henry might have known that in his case the operation would prove a little more complicated .
9 with … all courts and profits of courts and swainmotes , fines , herbage , pannage and agistment , … with licence to hunt the deer , stags and bucks and does , with dogs , greyhounds , bows and arrows and other instruments of the chase , provided that at his death there be 100 deer left in the forest of Exmoor , and 200 in that of Neroche .
10 Such an interpretation is not inconsistent with Katib Celebi 's brief account , particularly if it is remembered that by his time the Seyhulislam had long since been the Mufti of Istanbul and that he may therefore have concerned himself with trying to sketch the history of the office only in so far as it related to that city .
11 Nutty had hoped that underneath his Nailsishness there lay a heart of gold , but if there did he took care not to reveal it .
12 He told me how he had had problems when young and had assumed that upon his marriage , he would break the habit .
13 Varro seems to have stated that in his time Massalia was trilingual , the two foreign languages being of course Latin and Celtic .
14 stated that in his opinion that if the Institute did recommend such action and an embalmer became infected as a result , the Institute could be open to legal action .
15 It has been suggested that despite his lack of education , James was considerably influenced by the schoolmaster Robert Davidson who had such neat handwriting that he was often asked to write people 's names in their bibles and would do so , adorning them with little drawings of flowers and animals .
16 Some years ago Maisie had swallowed a whole bottle of vitamin pills and , although Henry had suggested that in his view Maisie 's stomach could probably have stood a diet of broken glass , aspirin and raw steak , Elinor had insisted on ringing Charing Cross Hospital .
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