Example sentences of "[vb pp] and i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My Thanks are due , ’ Prince wrote to Jardine on 7 April 1840 , ‘ for your instructions respecting the specimens in spirits , which I have since carefully examined , separated and supplied with fresh spirit ; many of them I regret to add are much decomposed and I fear some may at last prove useless . ’
2 Last week , an announcement on er further steps on acid rain — six thousand million pounds ; I mean there 's big , big money in there already committed and I 've no doubt that when the need is shown , there 'll be greater money still spent — which will either be taxpayer 's money or customer 's money .
3 He whispered something but so close to my ear the sound was distorted and I said , suppressing my voice to no more than a breath because it can be so harsh , ‘ Say it again .
4 Er a a and with a family row in in it as well you can imagine the work involved was a bit more than initially might have been expected and I got criticized because the bill was bigger than I had first estimated cos I did n't expect there 'd be trouble from the father .
5 The drainage dyke was probably half way down the 1000 metres I had expected and I have easily , in the past , landed the aircraft inside 400 metres .
6 A septic tank has already been installed and I have a quotation — amounting to some thousands of pounds , I 'm afraid — to drill for water .
7 no , I forgot well see I forgotten and I 'd been down to Boots an all I , aunty Mary had them once , one time and said
8 My gaze dropped and I saw a ring — an iridescent opal , set in a circle of rich , blood-red garnets .
9 It 's terrible but I find I do exactly the same with my children now : they come in from school and everything is dropped and I say ‘ pick them up ’ and I try to stop nagging them because I remember how much I hated it .
10 As far as I know , er the levels have now dropped and I do n't think there are any further restrictions , as far as I know .
11 On the day I hit the big Four-O , the fog suddenly lifted and I celebrated non-stop .
12 My attackers had scattered and I assumed that a teacher was approaching along the corridor .
13 I 've come and I 've took my boots off and poured the bloody rain out .
14 And er he stretched his arms and he said Ooh he said my tired 's come and I said , er er , Ee ee Yes I 'm afraid mine 's come as well , my tired 's come .
15 But now Ellen the time I have long awaited has come and I write to tell you that an Italian maidservant by name of Gigia who is travelling home to Florence having been in Scotland with a family who are friends of the Brownings is to come to you to collect Oreste and take him to Liverpool where she will be joined by Mr Ogilvy and from whence they will sail for Italy .
16 My turn to die had come and I had been inexplicably reprieved .
17 He got straight back on to the divan and lay with his eyes shut , as if I should n't have come and I felt I ought never to have come ( especially without telling C ) , and I felt as well that it really was a bit much , a pose .
18 Neither therapy was enjoyed and I listened to the catalogue of side effects like a reporter who had just pierced the darkest Amazonian forest and was observing a new race for the first time .
19 I know you 're going to be interviewed and I know which network it is , so do n't deny a thing . ’
20 Lisabeth 's eyes clouded and I knew I 'd done enough .
21 The night before one double and four other fish had been caught and I think this could be where the answer lies .
22 With the onset in the later stages of unmistakable labour pains in my lower abdomen all doubts were resolved and I knew I had to do something about it .
23 Details remain to be resolved and I hope that it will be possible to resolve them quickly .
24 I 'm very glad you clarified that Mr because certainly I not as I heard it er and I 'm very pleased that was clarified and I think others would have felt likewise .
25 I 'm well educated and I 've got two children and I can manage pretty well , there 's a number of much more essential things that I know how to do , but I ca n't do those ones , and when they come up I feel like weeping myself sick . "
26 I do n't think that er , I think that unfortunately some of the older doctors definitely were misinformed and were n't educated and I think nowadays that the doctors are becoming very much more educated and perhaps the ones who have the bad time are the fortunate ones in so far as they 're getting the hormone replacement therapy if they 're lucky and they have sympathetic general practitioner .
27 ‘ He 's not yet hanged and I wish to speak with him , now ! ’
28 " Gemma dear , he has a right to be considered and I believe he is a fresh-air man — the Gages and the Bartram-Hyndes have all been brought up to that .
29 The numbers coming to meetings can vary from 4 to 24 which is uncomfortable if a speaker is booked and I do not know how many will come .
30 His voice was muffled and I thought he was trembling .
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