Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , the originators of the major schemes can not be criticized for being ignorant of principles which were not recognized when their schemes were initiated .
2 For example , it has been criticized for being unable to deal with problems of unemployment , which continued to rise throughout the 1980s .
3 Those who , like Newman Hall , let Gothic design take over , were criticized for being imitative and for demeaning the sermon .
4 They have been criticized for being slow ( a minimum of a 3-week offer is involved ) , cumbersome and expensive .
5 But I think I knew unconsciously that the supposed crime was twofold : I was being punished for being female and for having grown up .
6 It is interesting to contrast this with similar descriptions in child abuse in which , for example , a baby is punished for being dirty , the expectations of the parent being quite unrealistic .
7 I do n't think so when I went to let him in he 'd pulled himself up round the patio and looked as though he expected to be walloped for being silly he 's taken us this morning .
8 The other girls could be forgiven for being depressed — after all , they were facing a racing dynamo , who seemed indestructible , regardless of weather conditions .
9 From 1889 to 1906 he worked on railways in many other countries : the Central Argentine Railway appointed him district locomotive superintendent in 1894 , but in 1897 he was summarily dismissed for being late in returning from leave in England ; in 1900 he went as locomotive superintendent to the Cuban Central Railways , in 1902 to the Lagos Government Railway , and in 1904 to the Lima Railways in Peru .
10 Nowadays the victims are blamed for being vulnerable .
11 It frightens me to think that not only are we so vulnerable to these monsters but also that we are constantly blamed for being provocative or careless .
12 As I expect you know , APRS was established some sixty years ago , and is respected for being apolitical , consistent , credible and above all objective .
13 The basic problem with this aspect of the technique is that the movement occurs very quickly , so you could be excused for being unsure quite what has happened .
14 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
15 We 've said it before , we 'll say it again ; playing with right-wing nationalism at a time when refugees area being murdered in Germany , when people are being put in camps and ‘ ethnically cleansed ’ in Serbia , and when people here are being attacked for being black is stupid and dangerous .
16 ‘ People have suggested that I will be attacked for being homophobic for going into Hoover 's sex life in such detail , ’ Summers says .
17 At home , the cows were managed by the women , who hand-milked them and ensured that they continued to yield plenty of good quality milk and were selected for being docile and good-tempered .
18 One girl spent the whole afternoon talking to me about her family 's obsession with beauty , how she had always been praised and noticed for being pretty and not much else , and then , just at the end , spoke guiltily of ‘ wasting my time ’ with a subject so unimportant .
19 In all cases the ‘ boys ’ were given more freedom to explore whilst the ‘ girls ’ were kept close and scolded for being noisy and for ‘ tomboyish ’ behaviour !
20 " There 's a lot to be said for being free , " she panted .
21 It will lie held to be a penalty if the sum stipulated for is extravagant and unconscionable in amount in comparison with the greatest loss that could conceivably be proved to have followed from the breach …
22 Even at lesbian conferences such as Canterbury , Nottingham and Bristol , separatists were castigated for being smug extremists .
23 Althusserians subsequently placed much emphasis upon the ‘ epistemological break ’ , and were in turn castigated for being unable to explain how it occurred .
24 An argument frequently advanced for being consistent is that it is fairer on other people , they know what to expect and ‘ where they stand ’ .
25 I seem to remember reading about him recently , living in California , married to someone who is noted for being controversial in some kind of way .
26 ‘ When instinct tells me a dog would be better off with me than people who might just leave it on the motorway , I have to bite my tongue , but I 'm noted for being blunt .
27 Several people volunteered for being special constables but Tom remained silent .
28 As a retired deputy head teacher , having to be cared for was hard to accept at first .
29 The inhabitants are known for being bourgeois , inward- looking , and conservative .
30 He passed her , and he was known for being crappy .
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