Example sentences of "[vb pp] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A low range of hills lifted in the north , yellow , rumpled , threadbare , as if someone had been carrying a lionskin and had grown tired of it and had thrown it down .
2 Certainly the grave demeanour which made such an impression upon others — the " sad eyes " and the " deep , sad voice " — was lifted in the company of friends to reveal a playful and often funny man .
3 The sail filled and the boat lifted in the water as the wind took it .
4 A pressure had lifted in the night .
5 The mist had lifted in the night and Marler was making good time .
6 The outer scales lifted in the process of penetration are not always smoothed down again completely when you change hair colour or texture , and this causes porosity .
7 In spring , new shoots appear , when it can be replanted in the aquarium .
8 Keep it in a cool , dark place until early Spring , when it should be replanted in the tank .
9 Homes remained often uncomfortable of course , and the pub was still a major centre of social life , but the late nineteenth century also saw the growth of a greater emphasis on home , and of new leisure opportunities for both adults which in London particularly is best epitomised in the music hall .
10 Such technical control was first developed in the mechanised , mass-production industries in the United States during the 1890s and early years of the present century , as epitomised in the steel mills .
11 This awareness , and the increased emphasis on the development of this asset is epitomised in the term human resource management .
12 It is epitomised in the use of three different alphabets — Latin , Cyrillic and glagolitic — in early Croatian literature .
13 Unhappily there is a new breed of librarian who takes a different view , epitomised in the motto I have quoted ‘ If in Doubt , Chuck it Out ’ .
14 The way of life sharedealers aspired to was epitomised in the lifestyle of a Sultan whom a few Tudorbury staff once had the privilege of meeting .
15 Others delighted in the innovation .
16 Businessmen fretted that no good could come of such defiance ; students delighted in the courage of their mainland counterparts .
17 These phrases are often embellished in the text with modifiers and slight variations ( often , usually , also , mainly ) which give some extra information to readers of the dictionary .
18 It is practice to state in the agreement that all warranties are subject to matters fairly and properly disclosed in the disclosure letter .
19 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
20 It is in everyone 's interest that the sale agreement contains an express statement as to whether prior knowledge is a defence or whether prior knowledge will not prejudice the purchaser 's ability to claim for breach of warranty if the material fact is not disclosed in the disclosure letter ( see clause 13.4 of the standard sale agreementAppendix III ) .
21 MAS should ensure that when acting for the vendor the contents of the Information memorandum and any other correspondence , it and the rest of KADVISERG may have had with the purchaser is disclosed in the contract .
22 Where there is a material difference between the result as disclosed in the profit and loss account and the result on an unmodified historical cost basis , a note of the historical cost profit or loss for the period should be presented .
23 The Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( see Chapter 12 ) also contains specific provisions for the control of " flag advertising " by firms publicising their services under a group name or logo to ensure that the names of all firms involved are disclosed in the publicity material .
24 How should the bond be disclosed in the company 's accounts ?
25 For example , information about clients disclosed in the course of your work must remain confidential .
26 Thus in Seager v Copydex Ltd [ 1967 ] 1 WLR 923 details of an unpatented invention disclosed in the course of negotiations relating to a similar patented invention were held to have been disclosed under an obligation of confidence .
27 Comprehensive income includes the net surplus as disclosed in the statement of financial performance , revaluation gains or losses , the currency translation difference on the net investment in independent foreign operations , and other changes in reserves .
28 It was reported on Aug. 1 that the Albanian government had closed down the Albanian State Bank 's foreign exchange department after losses totalling $170,000,000 were disclosed in the department 's foreign exchange trading since 1988 .
29 Paragraph 33 of the order prohibited the use of the material so disclosed in the prosecution of either defendant .
30 MAS : outstanding costs should be recoverable if a sale falls through either because the vendors voluntarily withdraw from the sale process or because the status of the vendor company is materially different from that disclosed in the Information memorandum .
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