Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Extending the range of visits to library and related establishments beyond the London area to which we are limited through lack of funds ’ …
2 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
3 Crippled with arthritis and wheelchair-bound , at 77 Renoir detested meeting strangers but he had heard about Modigliani from Osterlind and , almost certainly , from Zborowski and agreed to the visit .
4 63% of those managing directors and IT directors interviewed had heard of DTI 's Open Systems Technology Transfer programme , with 47% having read or heard about aspects of Open Systems through DTI material — beating ‘ Technical Press ’ ( 44% ) into second place .
5 It was for him that now she was entertaining this arrow-straight , dark-eyed young scoundrel who would be likely to repay her by seducing her daughter , she thought , if she still had one , and who would probably forget everything he 'd ever heard about hunger in St Jude 's , or in County Kildare for that matter , should he ever find himself well-fed in Westminster .
6 She had heard about Greg from her mother-in-law , and had conceived various lively suspicions .
7 ‘ Parents who do n't want their kids taught about homosexuality in the first grade are not bigots .
8 Yet were we taught about Crapper at school ?
9 Now eight or nine-year-olds are being taught about periods in schools .
10 The Pope urges that students in seminaries should be taught about sex in seminaries .
11 But is it really a good idea that students should be taught about sex in seminaries ?
12 And three quarters want to be taught about relationships as part of their sex education too .
13 She considers the idea , implicit in much feminist theory , of an authentic self which is said to be socially conditioned by patriarchal power , and argues that this idea owes much to a tradition in Western philosophy which dates back to the Aristotelian distinction between actions that are voluntary and actions which are coerced , a tradition that can be traced through Descartes to the present time .
14 For in matrilineal societies where kinship is traced through women on the mother 's side of the family , the mother 's brother does not usually behave in this fashion towards his sororal nephew .
15 However , the Board has been criticized for over-concentration on economic development at the expense of social development ( Carter 1974 ) .
16 Those who eschewed colour and decoration , like Spurgeon , and built what were really mammoth meeting-houses with a Greek front , were criticized for lack of taste and for concentrating too much on the preacher .
17 Sociolinguists who present their data using the simple graphs and frequency tables popularized by Labov in his early work have often been criticized for lack of statistical sophistication .
18 The study has been criticized for incompleteness of data , but it was a major step forward , and the results obtained were so positive that further research was stimulated .
19 Despite a long tradition of education , there is still a lack of qualified teachers : in 1986 almost 400 teaching posts were not filled for lack of trained applicants .
20 This process of appraisal is often developed through reference to empirical changes in the processes being analysed .
21 They were schools , therefore , where progress in matching library provision to curriculum need had already begun , and where it was hoped that this impetus could be further developed through participation in the project and a grant in the region of £2,500 .
22 The critique of male sexuality which originally focused on rape , developed through analyses of child sexual abuse and non-stranger rape — and later pornography .
23 Productivity through people : people are seen as the sole basis for success which is developed through respect for the individual expressed through trust .
24 In central and eastern Europe remedial measures must be taken to clear up environmental problems developed through years of neglect .
25 The card has been developed through co-operation between Bank of Scotland and the University 's Development Office .
26 Nemesis is one of Oxford Molecular 's first products developed through collaboration with researchers , providing molecular modelling to users of desktop computers ( currently IBM PC compatibles and Apple Macintosh ) .
27 I half slept , then woke as we sped by the rest house where we had stopped for juice on that first visit to Al Ain .
28 We left after breakfast on the Monday and stopped for lunch near Montdidier .
29 Some papers later reported that he had stopped for tea at the Ritz but this unlikely frivolity was angrily and officially denied .
30 Admiral Lord Nelson is said to have stopped for tea in the local Anchor Hotel on his way to join the British Fleet at Trafalgar .
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