Example sentences of "[coord] this is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One thing , at any rate , would seem to be clear , and this is that Jesus , after his baptism in the Jordan , undergoes a significant change .
2 But there is another reason why communities like Belfast are difficult to deal with , and this is that the phonology of such communities is not usually adequately described and codified beforehand , whereas more information of this kind is available for varieties closer to ‘ standard ’ English .
3 The distinction between those cases and this is that the lawyer for the other can immediately attack the one — there is somebody there to protect the reputation of each defendant who is in the court — but in a case such as that which has affected my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West , there is no such opportunity to defend oneself .
4 The alternative vision is the one that I subscribe to , and along with me , most historians in this country and in America , and indeed increasingly erm a young generation of German historians , and this is that things began to go wrong well before nineteen fourteen , and that the Germans in fact deliberately started the First World War as the Treaty of Versailles said they did , that nineteen eighteen was not therefore the beginning of the evil , but merely a hiccup in erm a German attempt to conquer Europe , erm as it were , a play with two acts , the first act being nineteen fourteen to eighteen , and then the second act being nineteen thirty-nine to forty-five , two attempts to dominate the continent of Europe by military force .
5 Now eighteen months ago we had three hundred and , it was April , the report in April nineteen ninety two there were three hundred and sixty five I think it was places that were vacant in our homes and this is before we started the refurbishment .
6 I I have only one point I would like to raise , Mrs , and this is whether or not er you are in a position to give me any comments er in relation to the er colony of Great Crested Newts in this pond .
7 Aragorn sings his song of Beren and Lúthien some fifty pages earlier with a certain reluctance , explaining that it is ‘ in the mode that is called ann-thennath among the Elves , but is hard to render in our Common Speech , and this is but a rough echo of it ’ .
8 The ‘ glass ’ is hard as steel , and this is but a magical source of illumination .
9 In each novel the specific configuration of the two discourses , authoritative communist on the one hand , disorientating existential on the other , is the product of two overriding influences : first , the economic , political , ideological and cultural forces that together produced each particular text ; secondly , and this is but a super-structural reflection of the first point , Nizan 's divided ambitions as a novelist , attempting at one level to exploit bourgeois culture in order to disseminate communist ideology effectively ( the communist project ) , and at another level to create a cultural product of value beyond its immediate moment of production ( the bourgeois project ) .
10 Clearly , much room is left for the discretion of the doctor , and this is as it should be , since the assessment of the patient 's prognosis is one of his distinct skills .
11 We talk about ‘ god ’ sometimes here at home , and you have been told at school to sing hymns and say prayers to ‘ god ’ , and you hear ‘ god ’ spoken about on the radio and television , also your friends talk and argue about ‘ god ’ , but nobody at all will tell you who or what ‘ god ’ really is , and this is because ‘ god ’ is only imaginary just as fairies are .
12 we asked for space , and they said oh mid April , and that actually is the next schedule step down action and that 's going to be on Europe and that 'll run from April till June , erm but from now till April if anybody would like to write the country which is Chile and this is because they 're , they suppose that they have extend the death penalty in Chile to include the murder of an off duty police witnesses , at the moment it 's only erm , the death penalty only exists for on duty police officers
13 The thousands of varieties of European shirts may differ in terms of button types and collar lengths , but they remain recognizable as shirts as opposed to garments used in other cultures for an identical functional purpose ; and this is because the manufacturers , as it were , agree to differ with respect to these specific and limited dimensions .
14 The fronds have a harsh feel to them and this is because the plants , uniquely , absorb large quantities of silica from the soil .
15 Pointing to the way in which poverty structured the lives of the majority of her respondents , she concluded that ‘ young Black women and young white women become pregnant for the same sorts of reasons , and this is because they share the same socio-economic contexts ’ ( Phoenix , 1988a , p. 154 ) .
16 Do I want to teach after all ? ’ and this is because of what the others say to you , the more experienced teachers .
17 Russell ( 1940 ) called deictics ( or indexicals ) 1 egocentric particulars , and this is because there is a centre of orientation in deixis which is invariably egocentric .
18 Section two , there was a revised estimate for nineteen ninety two ninety three and there are two main points to mention , firstly members will see that the revised estimates in total are less than the original estimates and this is because affording interest rates have made it cheaper to service the outstanding debt from previous years ' capital programmes .
19 To human eyes many of the body markings appear to be beautiful and highly conspicuous , but this is because we so often see them in artificial environments where their camouflage quality fails to show itself .
20 It seems incredible to us today that Carey should have had such difficulty in convincing christians of the necessity of sharing the Gospel with ‘ the heathen ’ , but this is because we take for granted the radical influence his views have had upon our modern view of mission .
21 Privately owned papers which are unprofitable do exist , but this is because they receive backing for other purposes — political , in most cases .
22 But I considered myself to be unattractive , and in becoming so thin as to render myself totally undesirable sexually , I was saying , ‘ I may be unattractive , but this is because I choose to be this way . ’
23 Few things seem to have been left out , but this is because he based his work squarely on such useful volumes as Michael Darby 's The Islamic Perspective and A. St Clair 's The Image of the Turk in Europe , and a large number of other texts besides .
24 But this is because of the influence of the dominant or ruling class propagating a political formula' ( Mosca ) or ‘ false consciousness ’ ( Marx ) .
25 The second phrase comprises only eight different notes , but this is because the parts are close together in a small area , and some notes are used by two different instruments .
26 And the state functions in response to the political power of the hegemonic class : the functioning of the bureaucracy corresponds to the political interest of this class or fraction , but this is because of the state 's complex relations with this class 's or fraction 's political power and not because of the bureaucracy 's class affiliation or recruitment .
27 And it it it 's called the fog index but the thing that 's interesting about it is that I 've got , I 've got some interesting examples of fog indexes erm and you 'll get people like Churchill who sometimes made speeches and their fog index is quite small you 're going to use this you know example and they might have a fog , fog index that 's fine and what Anne and I are talking about with say something like the Telegraph or the Times or whatever , might have a fog index that people but this is because Churchill was very clear , very concise and going back to the original point about , or some of the original points about this , and I was mak raising these issues earlier this evening one of the great sadnesses that I have is that , is that when I first went into journalism the tabloids as we call them were incredibly well written beautifully styled , well researched and okay they might have been punchier and shorter and everything else , compared to the turning up the er the , the Times or whatever , but they were well written and you might have had , if you can put the fog index test , test on it you might have had a fog index of say six or seven compared to eleven on the Telegraph story , but it was still full of clarity like to read .
28 Some gay people molest children , just as some heterosexual people do , but this is because they are emotionally and psychosexually damaged , whatever their sexual orientation . ’
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