Example sentences of "[coord] they [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or they 're on sale for a hundred pounds each .
2 or they 're in bands
3 Erm , and for some people , well for the whole of the rural economy , it 's harder to , or they 're in a , a lesser income situation , and it 's also availability of credit , or access to funds is much , you know , people have less savings , and so forth , because they do n't save .
4 They 're either in the , in the erm , little cupboard in the downstairs loo or they 're in the bathroom .
5 one should not confuse … two things : the fragmentation of social labour , which arises from the fact of the social division of labour on the one hand , and the fragmentation of social labour , which negates this very division of labour on the other hand … ‘ enterprises ’ … stand in various relationships to each other : either they are bound to each other by buying and selling ( heterogeneous enterprises ) , or they are in competition with each other ( homogeneous enterprises ) .
6 The independent schemes , like ourselves , need help or they are in danger of being squeezed out .
7 The long hot days of summer are with us again — or they were at the time of writing , and long may they continue .
8 Was there any feeling when these letters were received that they were to be taken seriously or they were in fact a bluff ?
9 I do n't care about work and them being in a muddle , no not at all .
10 and they 're worth about three grand so anyway erm , I said I 'll pick your birds up tomorrow and , cos I
11 Instead what happens is they do thirteen weeks as some place and they 're down road .
12 And th , think they 're having a real problem in Birmingham as well the they 're , trying to get rid of them and they 're down the sewers all the time trying to get rid of the bloody things !
13 ‘ The only papers we seem to keep are bills , and they 're for the accountant , ’ Emily said .
14 And they 're for your mother , not you ! ’ she declared , incensed that he should show so little consideration .
15 And they 're for
16 Now , all these things are not just for this woman , they were for you , and they 're for me .
17 Wonder why you 're stuck over here and they 're over there .
18 You could reply ‘ They will last longer than some of the cheaper brands , and they 're under guarantee . ’
19 And then in the last sort of seven to eight years , it starts to decline quite rapidly because you 're actually paying off the capital at that stage , and th that 's where I may meet somebody at say fifteen years , they thought their mortgage would run to age sixty five and they actually retire at sixty , they 've got five years left and they 're about there .
20 The ships are worth Something , and they 're about the only hope of securing creditors about 5p in the pound .
21 They 're about that wide and they 're about that deep and I just put a circle of greaseproof in the bottom
22 And they 're about that big and it 's that long .
23 and they 're about
24 but this is an old shop at and they 're about that big by that are n't they ?
25 you know , and they 're about that big all in , in this er silver foil .
26 Several Manchester United players likely to be involved as well and they 're into the second half of their second leg European cup tie in Turkey .
27 They have brain and heart and imagination and they 're off the life support after the Muses ' separation operation .
28 So everybody have document and hit shift F ten and they 're on page nine now if we go , hold down the alt key and type B and you 'll just see er a shimmer go down the screen an then you do n't actually see anything , but if you alt U , everything appears underlined alt K converts everything into small capitals alt S , strikes through everything and alt I italicizes all the words .
29 ‘ I know , love , ’ he murmured wryly , ‘ and they 're on the top table with Her Royal Highness .
30 There 's usually a heavy-metal band sitting in one comer , their van 's broken down , you see , and they 're on their way to an important gig .
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