Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 thought it should be in there cos it 's normally Okay now all that happens here if you if you think of it going back to the picture with the the magnets or the electrostatic charges or or bonds whatever you like to think of it .
2 Now , if you 've got nowhere else , erm , at the bottom end of the door to fit it , that 's fine , but as a matter of a preference , Crime Prevention like to see them fitted a third of the way up the door , that is where our thieves put the boot in , and thieves will work to pressure points , to leverage points they come equipped , or most of them do n't come equipped , because obviously if they 're walking along the street and a police officer sees them , you know , pull them over and start to talk to them , most of them will actually er use the tools from the back garden or or things they find lying around to help themselves in .
3 He defended himself vigorously in a series of letters , protesting — in this case to the journalist William Archer — that ‘ The very last charges I expected them to bring against a book concerned merely with the doom of hereditary temperament & unsuitable mating in marriage were that it was an attack on marriage in general , that it was immoral , & that characters who recant their opinions & come to a sad end were puppets invented to express my personal views in their talk . ’
4 Since it took so long for Dobson finally to take over in Macclesfield , it may be either that he returned to Stockport as Master from some period or that the Goldsmiths forgot that they had appointed Escolmbe , or that Escolmbe himself never took up his duties .
5 I did not ask if they had visited Montaine 's grave , or if others who had loved Montaine had joined them .
6 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
7 Within Judaism for example there are Orthodox and Reform or Progressive Jews , or as Jews themselves often prefer to say Traditional and non-Traditional Jews ( see Chapter 9 , p. 129 – 30 for further reference to this ) .
8 ( This is no doubt in some way concerned with the employee 's honesty. ) 2 The nature of the information itself Information will only be protected if it can properly be classed as a business secret or as material which , while not properly described as a business secret is , in all the circumstances , of such a highly confidential nature as to require the same protection as a business secret eo nomine .
9 The names of my G Ps and their address , when I was last seen , or when Flora I suppose their talking about Flora , Flora was last seen , by our G P .
10 In fact , it was copied almost entirely from an apartment in the Dakota building , outside which John Lennon was shot some years later and where Yates himself would live .
11 He claimed that ‘ poor management ’ was frequently the cause of arrears and that tenants who paid their rent suffered poor service and higher rents as a result .
12 There is a greater recognition among philosophers that belief in God 's existence does not need to be justified in these terms , and that theologians themselves do not seek to provide such justification .
13 Some Ministers felt that this was wholly a matter for the conscience or judgment of the individual , and that Ministers who held strong views on the moral issue should not be asked to subordinate those views to a collective decision of the Cabinet .
14 The FAO said that the annual maize harvest in 11 countries was expected to be at least 25 per cent down and that countries which would normally export maize , notably South Africa and Zimbabwe , would themselves be seeking imports of the regional staple .
15 The accountants had made it clear to the Committee that they did not accept the findings of the DTI reports ( which formed the basis for the inquiry ) , and that documents they would need to deal further with the matter were no longer available .
16 On March 14 the Lithuanian Supreme Council passed a resolution saying that Lithuanians would no longer be required to serve in the Red Army and that conscripts who deserted would not be held criminally responsible .
17 Then Liza told me that Mrs Mitchell had died in childbirth and that Nelly herself had been taken to Wolverhampton to live with an aunt and uncle .
18 During the course of their conversation , to which Julia listened with only half her attention as she sipped her brandy , she learned that Jackson French was likely to be posted to London to play a part in the winding up of UNRRA later in the year and that Comfort herself was due to leave Venice in two days ' time ‘ now that Julia is getting well again' .
19 When originally designed , it was decided that the RISC I should execute one instruction per cycle , all instructions should be the same size , only load and store instructions would access memory , the rest would operate between registers , and that RISC I would be designed specifically with high-level languages in mind .
20 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
21 Speaking after a meeting with EC Finance Ministers in Luxembourg he envisaged that a smaller number of countries with low inflation ( France , West Germany , Belgium , Netherlands and Luxembourg ) would enter a European central banking system and that others who had not reached the same degree of economic convergence , or were not ready to give up sufficient sovereignty rights , would be invited to enter later .
22 Some argue that cheap imports are a waste of money — others say widely differing prices are being charged for exactly the same product and that suppliers which criticise imported cutlery often stock it themselves .
23 We prefer that prostitutes should stand in the streets to be picked up by passing cars ( not the roomiest place for sex ) , in constant danger of being beaten up and even murdered , and that valuable police and court time be wasted in arresting , convicting and imposing heavy fines on girls who , unable to pay , return to soliciting even harder , that pimps should come into being to batten off the girls , and that women who are not prostitutes should be harassed by cruising motorists who will not take no for an answer .
24 As Freudian ideas entered the popular discourse ( which happened but slowly in Britain ) , they strengthened the view that biology was destiny and that women who did not find satisfaction in motherhood were in some way abnormal .
25 My own research in Mexico suggests that female managers tend to be found in those depanments that are concerned with interpersonal relations within the plant ( personnel , public relations , training ) and that women who start off in these areas and succeed are occasionally promoted to higher levels of management .
26 It is worth noting that Sir John Reresby appeared twice after his first entry , presumably as the owner of empty houses , and that women who were heads of households were often described as widows rather than given their Christian names .
27 It has long been accepted that people make jokes about what frightens them and that groups who feel oppressed use humour as a way of releasing negative feelings to those in power .
28 The Labour Party insists that self-governing trusts ( hospitals which choose to opt out of health-authority control and manage their own affairs ) are in fact opting out of the NHS altogether ; and that doctors who control their own budgets are going to turn queue-jumping at hospitals into a business practice .
29 The real problems are the need for assessment at all , and that doctors who undertake the responsibility may not be adequately trained ( or experienced ) for the task .
30 This research project investigates the suggestion that such spatial rehearsal is primarily motor in nature and that factors which influence the time to rehearse an item will also affect memory span .
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