Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv] her " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , there are numerous easier ways for her to show her independence at this stage , such as walking , feeding or emptying out her toy box .
2 They are most frequent in the morning and at night ; in the bedroom , at the dinner table ; with me ; when I try to dress her , get her to eat up her meal , or put away her toys .
3 Luke Calder 's presence at the station was a fact of life , and she had to learn how to handle it or give up her job , and pride would never allow her to do that and let him know he had won .
4 Emily sighed heavily , no more would she sit beneath those trees reading or idling away her days so carelessly as she had done , was it only a few short weeks ago ?
5 It was a familiar sight to see her running up and down the side line refereeing , or getting out her bike to cycle out to the reserve to organise Guides .
6 The Eight Extraordinary Dancers lived there up to the ears as usual with their own brand of juvenile mischief , watching the matron getting undressed by looking over her partition or stitching up her nightdress .
7 So , although your two-year-old can sweep off her hat or pull down her trousers , she has n't got the physical coordination needed to put a sock on the right way , with the heel round the back of her foot .
8 Its function is basically to cover a woman 's hair and hide the shape of her breasts but it can be worn in a variety of ways , draped round the top half of her body and head , folded over her chest and hanging over her shoulders or loosely placed round her neck .
9 But it is also an ideological statement : the housewife 's place is in the home washing and hanging out her own clothes ; not in the launderette where they are processed for her .
10 Doggedly she kept her head down over the jewel-coloured designs , trying to concentrate , but after another few seconds she gave up and laid down her pen with elaborate resignation .
11 Then a bomb blast devastated the theatre and wiped away her smile of anticipation .
12 He did the courteous thing , of course , and asked how her reading had gone .
13 After the mother had gone home , Mrs Kelsall bumped into the community midwife , and asked how her client was .
14 Her step slowed and she was about to turn round to voice some rejoinder but continued on , gripping the child 's hand hard now and stepping up her walk into almost a trot .
15 Venturous was despatched to shadow her and to report back her movements to a reception party who were waiting on the UK mainland .
16 When down came a blackbird and pecked off her ears
17 And when the words came through , pain stabbing through her brain and whipping round her body like barbed wire , words digging into the flesh .
18 Fooled , he let her in , and she ran straight to his jazz records and whipping off her court shoe brought the heel down on his favourite Blossom Dearie .
19 She noticed one woman in the crowd was blind , and sought out her hand and squeezed it .
20 She swallowed her pride and sought out her cousin , who , naturally , knew everything about everybody at the resort .
21 Indeed , all in all , I can not see why the option of her returning to Darlington Hall and seeing out her working years there should not offer a very genuine consolation to a life that has come to be so dominated by a sense of waste .
22 She stood frozen , still clutching the black dress against herself , looking at her husband and seeing only her world crumbling around her .
23 Lizzie is divorced and bringing up her two children , aged seven and five , on a tight income .
24 She could cancel the bank loan and salt away her redundancy money and pick up her plans to start her own business as soon as the eighteen months were up .
25 A wife 's role is to nurture this Izzat and bring up her children so that they too understand and respect it .
26 Using enormous restraint , she stalked her prey [ or nearly half an hour , and only when she was certain did she leap from her crouching position and bring down her quarry , seizing it by the throat and suffocating it .
27 Miss Dunstable surveyed this evidence of — to her mind — most proper domestic industry , from a hundred yards away , on the footpath to her favourite walk , and made up her mind on the side of tolerance .
28 ‘ She 'll look as alive as you or me , once we 've packed her and made up her face , ’ the embalmer reassured him again .
29 She had learnt that to be aroused he must see her mouth , and she looked up at him sweetly while holding his John Thomas between her lips , and sucking in her cheeks .
30 She looked at herself , practised an attitude , widening her eyes and sucking in her cheeks , then another , chin up , head to one side , Madonna-like in pious ecstasy , then shaking her head to dismiss the bridal vision she had attempted , plucked the lace mat from her hair and added it to the pile with the others she had finished .
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