Example sentences of "[noun prp] would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nellie would have liked Liam to have opened his next branch in New York , just to give her a chance of seeing her brothers and Noreen , but Liam had been adamant .
2 Corbett would have packed his saddle bags immediately and left but Maeve was insistent he wait until the rain storm abated .
3 She thought for a moment , then decided to tell him of the little house in Washington where she and Mama had lived before Mama married Papa — She wondered briefly what Dr Neil would have made of that story .
4 This meant a descent and , had we been going on through , the Pyrenees would have grounded us .
5 I have a strong presentiment that , had the opportunity arisen , Lord Mansfield would have seized it to establish the law in this form .
6 19 Walker would have loathed such an association .
7 Another wicket now and Pakistan would have had their thumbs on the jugular .
8 I shudder to imagine what Picasso would have thought had he known that ‘ Guernica ’ would arrive in Spain under a monarchy , protected by the Guardia Civil , with Calvo Sotelo as prime minister and a priest as director of the Prado , his painting encased in a glass urn guarded day and night by machine-guns , and , years later , at the whim of an anti-Marxist Socialist government , in a bullet-proof fish tank .
9 The KGB would have to sort itself out .
10 Ideally , the KGB would have liked to have swopped Blake .
11 He did n't expect to find any as the hotel had recently been refurbished and the KGB would have used the latest available technology , burying it in the plasterwork , the heating and the plumbing .
12 ‘ And I 'm writing a book on Edith Wharton , ’ she said desperately , doubting whether Veronica would have heard of her .
13 Had the Social Democrats won in East Germany , Mr Gorbachev would have gained himself a valuable ally .
14 West German officials imagine that the Russians were particularly keen for an end to the crisis because President Gorbachev would have disliked attending East Germany 's 40th anniversary celebrations on Saturday while this spectacular testimony to his hosts ' illiberalism continued .
15 They were n't used to the cheek-by-jowl contact it entailed ; the notion of living in the state of interdependence that bound Dora Lavender and Rose Kettle would have horrified them both .
16 Detaching himself from this passionate domesticity , he composed in his mind the kind of picture Rembrandt would have made of it .
17 David would have stood by me .
18 Edmund Barham 's wooden acting as Carlos would have mattered less if he had been vocally more alluring and if his stilted phrasing had taken a hint from Mark Elder 's conducting .
19 This may seem a curious exception , but it is as well to remember that Gregory would have known of the versification of Sulpicius Severus 's Life of St Martin by Paulinus of Périgueux , and that he counted among his friends the poet Venantius Fortunatus , himself the author of a poetic work on the miracles of St Martin .
20 Instead she said , ‘ I suppose Mrs Thrigg would have known when he left ? ’
21 Viewed together , they showed that by 1920 or so every single female in the United States would have to work as a switchboard operator .
22 He insisted that the United States would have to learn to live as other nations had lived for centuries — namely by co-existing with powerful rivals under the protection offered by the balance of power .
23 He noted on 1 November that in the future the United States would have to walk a tightrope between the newly independent states and the old colonial powers .
24 With free trade and payments in the early fifties , the United States would have tended to secure a far greater share of world trade .
25 But , she said to herself , if Alida were not here , or if anything happened to the daughter before the mother , then Eleanor would have to go away .
26 Lady Eleanor would have opened the door to her Prioress .
27 You may think they were tainted , but we know they were tested at the priory and I doubt the Lady Eleanor would have taken them solely on the Prince 's word . ’
28 Tyne Towers would have to go , as would Cuthbert and Aidan Houses which surround and dwarf All Saints church .
29 Under the British system virtually every seat in Wallonie would have returned Socialists and virtually every seat in Flanders would have returned Christian Democrats .
30 Falconer would have had to be standing on the very rim to slip and fall to his death .
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