Example sentences of "[adv] been [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the points to emerge in later chapters will be that eminent scientific figures have rarely been typical representatives of the religious traditions in which they were nurtured .
2 Unfortunately there have rarely been precise identifications although two are stated to be of Middle Eastern origin , the Cypraea Arabica from Sarre grave 238 and a tiger cowrie from Haslingfield ( Cambridgeshire ) , whose source is the Red Sea .
3 The Basilica Constaninina , now the Cathedral of Rome , S. Giovanni in Laterano , has since been many times altered and added
4 There have since been many battles at this strategic crossing place , but this was the first , the greatest and the most hard fought .
5 Might he perhaps been happier staying in Lahore to help in his father 's spare-parts business ?
6 What had hitherto been regional versions of folk and country music now joined with the former ‘ racist ’ music of the coloured population , creating through cross-fertilisation modern , i.e. ‘ pop ’ , music .
7 Editor , — There have basically been two criticisms of my article and Richard Smith 's editorial on alternative allergy and the General Medical Council ( GMC ) — firstly , that it is not the GMC 's job to censor alternative practitioners and , secondly , that the neutralisation-provocation technique has in fact been validated .
8 It has only been burning coal in it !
9 It validated what had previously only been personal impressions : that the work was variable , time consuming , complex and required considerable skill .
10 I 've only been twelve months waiting for a
11 High levels of nitrate can cause ‘ blue baby syndrome ’ ( infantile methaemoglobinaemia ) , which is potentially fatal ( see below : Government Advice ) , but there had only been 3,000 cases worldwide since 1945 , and 14 in the UK since 1950 .
12 They 'd only been married months , I thought they 'd had their first row and she 'd come home .
13 There had in fact only been one occasion during those last years that Lewis could remember and he was sure Adam had only gone because there had been a promise of some shooting .
14 Yesterday there had only been one dress on display .
15 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
16 There had only been one shot .
17 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
18 There have only been brief respites .
19 Mr Kelloway says there have only been minor teething problems and he is satisfied the machine is ready for production .
20 It is possible that pollution affects their reproductive and immune systems , but there has only been piecemeal research on this subject . "
21 It is interesting to note that there have , so far as we know , only been thirty-one phyla in all of pre-history ; nine have become totally extinct .
22 Er erm , there 's only been last year that I 've grown them
23 Mr Ian Readman , honorary secretary of the Redcar station , said : ‘ In the whole history of Redcar lifeboat there have only been three medals one was a gold , another a silver .
24 Since 1969 when the procedure was brought into effect there have only been three review boards , though AIB have conducted something like fifteen inspector 's investigations each year .
25 Had it only been this morning that she had visited Switham House and received that kind lady 's offer of help ?
26 There has apparently been some misunderstanding about the future of this Club and we have been asked to reassure members that the Club is continuing and that eligibility remains as before .
27 For months it had apparently been common knowledge ; something to be tutted over and discussed in hushed tones that stopped abruptly whenever she entered the common-room .
28 In addition , the coalminers , through their trades unions , have long been major actors in the political arena those of both the workplace ( notably the Trades Union Congress ) and the state ( the Labour party ) .
29 Eels , speared through their gills on an eel stick , had long been standard rent in the Fens and Somerset Levels .
30 ( Although a famous novelist has recently garnered considerable publicity for memorizing his interviews , this has long been standard practice for many sociologists . ) ’
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