Example sentences of "[adv] can be seen " in BNC.

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1 He was responsible for shaping the material at his disposal into an effective unity , and the success with which he did so can be seen in the cohesion of the retinue in 1483 .
2 He was responsible for shaping the material at his disposal into an effective unity , and the success with which he did so can be seen in the cohesion of the retinue in 1483 .
3 That this is so can be seen by contrasting sentences such as those evoked in Chapter 1 and repeated here : ( 1a ) I had nine people to call .
4 The singularity occurs when , and thus can be seen to be associated with the focusing singularity in region IV .
5 They commonly cut across preexisting grain and cement boundaries ( Fig. 5.39b ) and thus can be seen to post-date all phases they traverse .
6 This seems to be a word which is used loosely the world over , but nevertheless can be seen to have five fairly easily defined applications or meanings .
7 The ability to communicate extra-sensorily can be seen as a sort of literary emblem of that which is fundamentally beyond expression .
8 Behind can be seen bee hives .
9 Sauron , the Dark Lord has access to the Palantirs , crystal balls in which past , present and future events near and far can be seen .
10 Often a random pattern is adopted and on observation the cleaner often can be seen to cover some parts of an area many times yet miss others .
11 The grounds of the public library at Wallington seem an unlikely setting for industrial remains , but here can be seen a preserved section of tramway used by the Surrey Iron Railway , the first tramway built as a transport system independent of canal and other industrial transport .
12 Here can be seen some of the most significant differences between partnerships and companies .
13 The mutual dependency expressed here can be seen in an almost completely uncritical reading experience .
14 Such that any new example one down here can be seen as being belonging to that set okay ?
15 If you really want to get to grips with inland detecting , then I suggest you learn a little Portuguese and try to make yourself understood to any of the farmers who invariably can be seen selling oranges by the roadside .
16 In both of these there can be seen by the 1880s and 1890s an anxious defensiveness , a feeling that the nation 's value and importance must be asserted in the face of more successful rivals .
17 The Renaissance then can be seen as an addition to the early modern period .
18 As my title suggests , one way forward can be seen to lie in developing the consultancy role of those in a position to help teachers meet their pupils ' special needs .
19 Beyond can be seen the outside world of ‘ Natures endless treasurie ’ , with a telescope trained on the heavens .
20 Beyond can be seen a mixture of walkers , mounted and dismounted cyclists and even the occasional moped ( Figure 6.29 ) .
21 So , er er aggression again can be seen as a demand placed on the ego by the id , or for erm release as it were , when an ego erm goes and does something that , that releases the aggression .
22 There are few examples of their being scattered extensively and repeatedly used within a single text ; where this does happen , as for instance in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin , the practice can readily be justified by its thematic significance ( on which see further below ) , as again can be seen to be the case with the cornucopia of excrement that Robin drops on to the deservedly victimized Jouglet .
23 It consisted of a line of timber post-built ‘ halls ’ and numerous sunken-floored buildings ; there is no formal plan and little can be seen of streets or boundaries .
24 Little can be seen in the darkness .
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