Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] give him " in BNC.

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1 It had been Burn , even when on his sick bed , who had sent for Sir George Gilbert Scott and given him his support when in professional difficulty .
2 It was the Royal College for the Blind at Hereford that gave him new inspiration by teaching him how to sculpt .
3 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
4 He was buried the following day under the name of Wolfgang Gerhard , an Austrian Nazi who befriended him in Brazil and gave him his identity papers before returning to Vienna .
5 well I know when , I know when Alan and Jade were both made emplo , unemployed and Alan withdrawal his dole and when Jade was unemployed they took the dole off Alan and give him sixty pound a week which was you know
6 He just kept on giving everything to Lennie and giving him the love he needed .
7 However , he and Earl Tostig Godwinsson [ q.v. ] were robbed by brigands on their way home , and forced to return to Rome , where Nicholas reinstated Ealdred and gave him the pallium , while insisting that he give up Worcester .
8 To choose one of many examples , I can point to the case of Nottingham-born Herol Graham , whose parents came from Jamaica and gave him no support in his sporting endeavours , at first in sprinting and then in boxing where he made his mark as a light-middleweight .
9 The trip was a great success , the subsequent Travels in the West exhibition proving very popular in Nanjing and giving him his first taste of newspaper and television attention .
10 Some time later Mehmed II repented of his action , invited Molla Husrev back to Istanbul and gave him the office of Mufti .
11 She went over to Shelley and gave him a book , telling him that Claire Claremont was sitting by little William — ‘ Willmouse ’ , she called him — and writing letters home .
12 Meanwhile in August 1982 , Clark visited Allison and gave him a copy of his paper for Infection and Immunity .
13 Met Stetson and gave him an earful .
14 As Countess of Glencairn , Elizabeth remembered her old friend and employer , John Tennant ; she appointed him Factor of her estate at Ochiltree and gave him tenancy of Glenconner Farm on the estate .
15 Singleton has an astonishing three year deal with Columbia that gives him the freedom to make as many films as he can in that time .
16 ‘ Quite out of the question till we 've seen Charles and given him his hamper … from the divine Mona .
17 There must have been something about Sir Paul that gave him confidence .
18 Here we show how TODAY produced a slimline Santa and gave him a new modern look .
19 Even in Britain in the last years of the nineteenth century a high foreign office official had fairly frequent interviews , on the instructions of Lord Salisbury , the prime minister and foreign secretary , with Reuter 's agent in London and gave him selected information considered helpful to British policy .
20 He went straight out , went to four families , whose names immediately suggested themselves to him , checked his facts and figures , got in while discussion was still on and flatly contradicted the great John and gave him the facts and figures to prove it , to tell him that he was wrong .
21 At this time it came to pass that there was strife between Count Don Gomez the Lord of Gormaz , and Diego Laynez the father of Rodrigo ; and the Count insulted Diego and gave him a blow .
22 Next morning , she telephoned Ernest Baird and gave him a short account of developments .
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