Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My father paid for my digs in Paddington and gave me a pound a week pocket money , together with what he called ‘ travelling expenses ’ for my regular visit home ( home and a good , square meal ) , and to spend some time with Clare who was fifteen and slowly , very slowly , improving .
2 Rosalba closed her eyes , and beseeched heaven , not for the first time , ‘ Dear Lady , Lady who has known tears and cares and the love of God on earth , please help Serafina and give her lots of milk so she can make money and give her strength and stop people being unkind to her .
3 It had been Burn , even when on his sick bed , who had sent for Sir George Gilbert Scott and given him his support when in professional difficulty .
4 By 1894 Glasgow Town Council , the same august body that had fought at Flodden and given its trousers to the Bonnie Prince , changed its name and became ‘ The Corporation of Glasgow ’ .
5 If we 'd upset his applecart in busting out the hostages , then the radical fundamentalists might easily have taken over in Syria and given us a much worse problem .
6 I went to see Suor Eusebia and gave her a message to deliver to Eric when the attention of the carabinieri was else where .
7 It was the Royal College for the Blind at Hereford that gave him new inspiration by teaching him how to sculpt .
8 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
9 She did , however , slip next door to May and gave her a rough sketch of what had happened , right up to the Syrup of Figs .
10 Still , I could go into Burnley and give it a try . ’
11 Mr Taylor travelled back to Aberdeen and gave them to Murray .
12 A couple of hours earlier , on a hunch , Hermann Goering rang down to his main office in Carinhall and gave them a Stockholm number to obtain .
13 He wanted to get on with the job of examining the clothes and , he hoped , identifying the body , but he had another job to do first — to call on the River Police and give them such facts as he had .
14 He was buried the following day under the name of Wolfgang Gerhard , an Austrian Nazi who befriended him in Brazil and gave him his identity papers before returning to Vienna .
15 well I know when , I know when Alan and Jade were both made emplo , unemployed and Alan withdrawal his dole and when Jade was unemployed they took the dole off Alan and give him sixty pound a week which was you know
16 We were asked to move into position to observe , but not to intercept , a small American ship en route from the States to Ireland and given its course and estimated time when it would pass a certain point .
17 They are the first known lords of the manor of Cosmeston and gave their name to the village , Costentinstune ( the place of the Costentins ) .
18 He just kept on giving everything to Lennie and giving him the love he needed .
19 He kissed Amelia and gave her a Christmas card .
20 However , he and Earl Tostig Godwinsson [ q.v. ] were robbed by brigands on their way home , and forced to return to Rome , where Nicholas reinstated Ealdred and gave him the pallium , while insisting that he give up Worcester .
21 By 1661 Gurle had raised the hardy nectarine Elruge and given it his own name reversed , with an extra e for euphony .
22 That very same evening he appeared on the bandstand in Woodford Square and gave his first speech under the auspices of the P.E.M. The speech turned out to be nothing less than a vitriolic attack on the Commission , which he portrayed as an organisation run by ‘ hide- bound conservatives in the British Colonial service ’ .
23 To choose one of many examples , I can point to the case of Nottingham-born Herol Graham , whose parents came from Jamaica and gave him no support in his sporting endeavours , at first in sprinting and then in boxing where he made his mark as a light-middleweight .
24 Bob Eaton , the man who brought Lotus to GM and gave us the Calibra , is about to become chairman of Chrysler .
25 He did not accomplish much , beyond making it clear to the owners that , in return for their agreement to a national minimum , he would abandon Samuel and give them the eight-hour day ; but he was thought to have acquitted himself well .
26 Change nationality of Fram Knattspryrnufelagio and give its full name .
27 I I 'll go in I the only information I 've got is Stuart came into the meeting , Monday and give us half an hour talk on it .
28 The trip was a great success , the subsequent Travels in the West exhibition proving very popular in Nanjing and giving him his first taste of newspaper and television attention .
29 The federal civil service is the only part of Canadian society which remotely approaches the bilingual and bicultural ideal : this isolates it from real life in Canada and gives it the tendency , like the Prussian army , to believe that it is the sole repository of national values .
30 When he was out of danger and questioned about relatives , he told them , somewhat reluctantly , that he had a sister living in South Africa and gave them Pat 's married name and address .
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