Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] it has " in BNC.

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1 Moscow has increased the number of countries with which it has commercial dealings from four in 1960 to over twenty by the end of the 1970s , but the volume of trade has not exceeded $30 million with more than eight ( Argentina , Brazil , Uruguay , Peru , Bolivia , Mexico , Colombia and Nicaragua ) and it is only with Argentina , Brazil and Nicaragua that it has risen above the $100 million level .
2 Windata Inc announced on Friday that it has formed a subsidiary in Israel , which will develop software for management of local and wireless communication systems : the availability of many experts in telcommunications and wireless communication in Israel make the country an ideal place for such research and development according to Greg Hopkins , Windata 's chief executive ; Israel 's privileged relationship with the European Community will provide more flexibility to the subsidiary in the firm 's efforts to penetrate European markets .
3 A lead in volume of unit production was soon established by the United States and it has been maintained ever since .
4 Well if they take as long to do it I mean good heavens there 's been one clanking manhole cover at Halam and it has taken them weeks to do it .
5 Eight years ago , the council gave Burton Property Trust permission to build a multi-storey car park as part of the Cornmill but it has not taken up the option .
6 It is something of a revelation that this memory from over thirty years ago should have remained with Miss Kenton as it has done with me .
7 If we had proportional representation , the Conservative party would find itself with rather more influence in a Parliament in Scotland than it has here .
8 Its the twelfth of May and it has n't got to me .
9 We have started mini-rugby in Nairobi and it has proved very successful .
10 Today likewise Piraeus ' importance makes it much more than a mere annex of Athens and it has its own political traditions , regularly voting communist .
11 It is uncertain exactly what contributions Brother Oudart made to the development of the Champagne method but we know that he also used corks from Spain and it has been suggested that he was the first to use a liqueur de tirage .
12 By section 38 , an authorised institution other than one whose principal place of business is outside the United Kingdom is obliged to make a report to the Bank of England when it has entered into a large transaction as defined by the section with consequent large exposure to risk .
13 Recent health scares over cling-film have had a knock-on effect on Tupperware and it has enjoyed a boom in sales .
14 This species has been recorded from the western Atlantic where it has been found from the West Indies as far north as South Carolina 295–763 m .
15 v. Woods but it has since been remarked that a ‘ trade union can not turn a dispute which in reality has no connection with terms and conditions of employment into a dispute connected with terms and conditions of employment by insisting that the employer inserts appropriate terms into the contracts of employment into which he enters . ’
16 The base is spared the curse of the ‘ brown-outs ’ familiar in Manila because it has its own power plant .
17 Warner lost Terry Brooks but it has found someone who may well outsell him .
18 Protestantism has a deeper significance in Ulster than it has had in Britain for over two hundred years .
19 By Roy Wright IT will be my second Father 's Day on Sunday and it has to be better than my first .
20 The judgment of the Exchequer Chamber was delivered by Blackburn J. and it has become a classical exposition of doctrine .
21 I think just about everyone knows the Neon Tetra and it has hit the top of the polls regularly as people 's most favourite fish .
22 For example , although France objects to the use of the postal channel , an exception exists in favour of documents emanating from Luxembourg but it has to be admitted that as this arrangement is the subject of a bilateral convention it is actually saved by provisions in the General Clauses of the 1965 Convention , and does not attract Article 11 .
23 It is not Venice but it has warmth , colour , and views such as could stretch the most infertile imagination .
24 The club Choice Brisa has always been one of our favourite hotels in Ibiza because it has everything that Club guests are looking for .
25 the lack of heavyweights will mean little to the atmosphere at Henley because it has a life of its own
26 Unless the UN proved much tougher in Bosnia than it has been in Croatia , the Owen concession would have meant that , from Serb-held territories in Croatia through Serb-held territories in Bosnia to the border of Serbia itself , Serbs would remain in control , whatever the peace plan said .
27 Well , if they 'd like to come at the fire station with their money today , barring fire calls , when we 'll be out of course , or if they see the fire engine driving round Didcot and it has n't got its blue lights on and they want to flag us down , they 're more than welcome to .
28 I have spent most of the last year in what was once Yugoslavia , much of it in the beautiful and doomed Republic of Bosnia Hercegovina and it has left me scarcely able to think , far less write about anything else .
29 The views of many Conservative Members of Parliament are much more profound in their objection to certain trends in Europe than it has been possible to encapsulate in any short Motion .
30 Culturally and linguistically , Britain offers a nexus of increasingly plural possibilities , a promising ground for a postmodernism which may in the future develop more strongly in Britain than it has hitherto .
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