Example sentences of "[adv] he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But when he had recovered sufficiently he wanted to resume work as possible on his play .
2 Then suddenly he seemed to explode with anger .
3 But suddenly he seemed to blossom out and take weight , like a ghost deciding to cross back over the frontier from the land of death .
4 And then suddenly he seemed to give way .
5 ‘ Khan , why — ’ Suddenly he seemed to realise that the cut on Burun 's arm had ceased to bleed .
6 Then suddenly he seemed to sag back into his seat , his hand reaching slowly for the pen I was still holding out to him .
7 The King 's surprise changed slowly to an amused smile , then suddenly he began to laugh loudly .
8 Then suddenly he began to laugh .
9 The path they were on continued to twist and wind until suddenly he paused to place a hand on her arm .
10 Broomhead had been staring ahead scowling and suddenly he turned to face the old man .
11 Leith was staring at Naylor too when suddenly he turned to look at her and , to set her heart thundering , smiled , a gentle smile .
12 Suddenly he wanted to recover his responses to these , not the arrival of the chiff-chaff .
13 Suddenly he wanted to get well clear of the area .
14 Suddenly he decided to take a chance : somehow they would get Therese on to the stage in that ridiculous boy 's costume and let her sing .
15 Suddenly he tried to make some sexual advances .
16 Suddenly he started to shake , his whole body trembling in reaction .
17 However much he refuses to shy away from the hopeless , endless horror of what he sees , he can not give up that quest for the perfect paradise .
18 She had no evidence to back it up , but in her heart she knew that Luke would never deal with a man like Martin , no matter how much he stood to gain from it .
19 He had memories of Vienna before the 1939 war , and liked people who took care over such things as coffee — proper , expensive coffee — as he tried to himself , however much he decided to ignore most of the facts of being poor .
20 Originally from Stockport , Cheshire , worked as an Outward Bound instructor in Devon for a couple of years and liked the county so much he decided to stay .
21 ‘ He liked the song so much he wanted to have a long version of it , ’ claimed Moroder , ‘ and that 's when I did the 17-minute one .
22 The aggrieved Main , in short , sought either an appointment as tidesman in a particular port , which would carry a regular salary , or failing that even a restoration to his former post of watchman , and naturally he attempted to secure his livelihood through his political friends , the Cunninghams .
23 But then he 'd , apparently he seemed to have an older brother with him
24 The paradox is that his sometimes self-dramatizing manner , both in his life and in his work , has provoked the interest and curiosity which apparently he wished to forestall .
25 Apparently he got to hear about a particularly tricky deal prepared by three Japanese whaling companies to come with quota proposals , and he knew that one of the companies was taking a very different view from the other two , and he hoped that there could be a divide-and-rule situation set up .
26 Even so , I do n't know how he survived that fall ; God knows what he broke , how he suffered , how long he took to crawl there to the other slightly brighter patch of light ; how long he took to die .
27 Even so , I do n't know how he survived that fall ; God knows what he broke , how he suffered , how long he took to crawl there to the other slightly brighter patch of light ; how long he took to die .
28 Mr Helmsley did not say how long he planned to keep his buildings in mourning , but his wife is expected to be in jail for at least 19 months before she is eligible for parole .
29 When the Shah arrived , Morocco officials evidently did not know how long he planned to stay .
30 Sigeberht 's position was possibly insecure because he was only Eorpwald 's maternal brother — that is , he was Raedwald 's step-son — and before long he abdicated to enter a monastery , and Ecgric ruled alone ( HE 111 , 18 ) .
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