Example sentences of "[Wh adv] they have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He admired his father-in-law 's farming ability and had been given some worthwhile advice whenever they had met .
2 Attainment of the competence award is not limited by any specific time period or course length , so candidates will be able to come forward for assessment whenever they have accumulated the required evidence of competence against national standards .
3 Camille accused herself of lack of foresight and rapidly made up a yarn whereby they had thought better of the dinner-party and had spent the evening playing Monopoly at Tim 's place in a blameless fashion .
4 At the end of each six week period we have an assessment session whereby they have to do a ‘ performance ’ to everybody else in that year , so the music can see what the dance has done … etc .
5 Their ability to react to given situations using slide and a film projector images and er a written examination at the er end of it , plus a full classification shoot whereby they have to reach a certain standard erm of ability in order to er pass the two week course .
6 It seemed not to be a good idea , at this stage of the group 's life , to comment on these similarities , which might have made Mr E even more conspicuously different from his colleagues , especially since , as well as asking insight-generating questions , they had told him how they had handled things better , which had moved Mr E to reject their suggestions as unworkable with somebody like Dave .
7 Justice Department and CIA officials had made mistakes in how they had handled certain classified information concerning BNL loans , a series of errors which Lacey characterized as " a fiasco " , but they had not engaged in any criminal wrongdoing .
8 How they had seen deer twice the size of anything in England and bears such as this one , which would crush a horse in its huge , muscular arms .
9 Up to this point we had kept up with the other parties , but while they had tackled the step easily , we were left puzzled as to how they had done it .
10 I knew men and women who wept bitter tears as they confronted how they had given their love , their time , their heart 's energy to a cause which they now saw as false .
11 Not only did Brown Owl go on living at Longreen and being their Brown Owl ; the Pack won an unexpected new friend in Sir George Phillips , who , when he heard how they had saved the plane 's pilot from disaster in the bog , suddenly turned out to be not ‘ crabby ’ at all , as Mr. Gordon had always made him out to be , but told them that they could use the Longreen Park meadow for just as long as they liked as a reward for their bravery .
12 They would recall how they had reacted to key moments : ‘ It was brilliant .
13 He asked 499 people arrested during the Detroit riot of 1967 to recall how they had reacted to television pictures of previous US riots .
14 The stranger must have heard everything , even how they had robbed Mr Sowerberry !
15 It was at that point that Edward recalled the constable 's other words and how they had troubled him even then — seeming to carry a sinister note , a warning .
16 She thought how long and lean they were , a true artist 's hands , and remembered how they had felt when he touched her .
17 To her annoyance , Ronni found herself watching the long tanned fingers and remembering with a start how they had felt against her flesh .
18 Self Inflicted Wound , that was how they had referred to sunburn back in the old days of Counter Insurgency .
19 She recounted how they had gone up to Master Allingham 's chamber and , finding the door locked , had ordered the workmen from the yard below to force the chamber .
20 For the rest of the drive , she chatted about Jay , about how they had met , the things they had done together .
21 Witnesses told the court how they had discovered the cylinders and two holdalls early on Sunday 6 December in the bus station car park near the bank .
22 Then , like a shoal of fish moving within a net , Rose and the girls started to clear the table , to brush away crumbs , to wash , to dry , to return each thing to its own place , all done with a muted energy ; whispers , jokes , little scolding asides — ‘ No , that goes in the other place ’ or reminisce how they had made the same mistake before in order to soften any harshness in the scold , bending low in apologetic laughter .
23 It grieved me to see how they had stripped the great Rhododendron and the lesser Kalmias . ’
24 They were both slightly embarrassed at how they had clung to each other when the thunder crashed and how the daughter had nestled in , practically under , her mother 's nightgown when the sheeting rain slashed down around them , beating on the windows , just as when she was a little girl .
25 Alexei remembered how Tulagai and Targoutai had fawned on Siban before Nogai had been elected Kha-Khan , and how they had voiced their support for Nogai , their own half-brother , as soon as it had become apparent that he had Burun 's vote .
26 He did n't tell her how they had beaten him with plastic tubes filled with sand so that he would hurt and bruise without breaking his bones .
27 The bruises on the neck and face and legs of the widow and her children were still livid on the brown skin as they recounted how they had run a gauntlet of fists and kicks and curses of their neighbours .
28 Or how they had inflicted cuts with a small sharp knife , then sprinkled salt into the wounds and kicked him round the room so he had to twist sharply and feel the pain of the salt crystals in the raw open flesh .
29 But I was surprised by their looks , as they came through the airlock — enough to keep me from being puzzled , then , about how they had crossed from their pod to my ship without space suits .
30 He knew more now about the family , and how they had lost their parents .
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