Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's funny 'ow it managed to get under me hat .
2 Whenever I said thank you , she told me she had n't done anything .
3 Whenever I seemed to advance towards him , my steps deviated in some way .
4 Whenever I 'd played their records I 'd be dancing around me room , and to dance onstage to the music you like is just f—ing awesome .
5 He answered at once , ‘ Whenever I 'd found the hole in the floor .
6 I remarked on the truculence , boorishness and dishonesty which I had encountered , routinely , in the hotel and in restaurants ; indeed , whenever I had had dealings with anyone in a public capacity .
7 I was an insatiable reader , and whenever I did visit Father at one of his shops , I invariably managed to wheedle a couple of batteries out of him — so that I could read in bed under the bedclothes .
8 Whenever I did succeed in preparing a family meal , I insisted that everyone eat whatever was placed on her/his plate .
9 In the event , whenever I did try to grow it , it ended up looking like Jimi Hendrix 's .
10 I was terrified , slipping out of control , beginning to black out whenever I tried to use my hands , the frenzied white maelstrom subsiding into a quietly pulsating grey .
11 I could do the English and the intelligence tests , but I was hopeless at mental arithmetic : for some reason my mind would go blank whenever I tried to visualise numbers instead of seeing them written down .
12 I took a dose of the drug whenever I wanted to forget my old , quiet , serious self for a time .
13 ‘ I bet you never thought you 'd end up as a social accessory whenever you agreed to come here for a holiday !
14 She had been smoking dope now for the last year , scoring whenever she had saved up enough money from her weekend job at McDonald 's .
15 Somehow she 'd been expecting resistance , something she had frequently encountered with Graham Rowell whenever she had attempted anything new , and it came as a shock to find that she and David Markham were on the same wavelength .
16 Whenever she had allowed thoughts of sharing a bed with Fen to enter her mind , just the imagining had racked her body with sensuous shivers .
17 Whenever she had arrived before , with her mother , or on her way to stay with relatives and school friends , it had been full of innocent bustle presaging lunch at Marshall and Snelgroves and tea at Fortnums .
18 Apparently , whenever she 'd gone close to this man he 'd shooed her away , recoiling from her and muttering , ‘ Pork , pork , pork , VD , VD , white woman , white woman . ’
19 ‘ God , ’ her husband said , whenever she 'd brought him home before her father died , ‘ what a bloody awful climate … ’
20 No commitment was ever implied , and it was customary to pretend , whenever she decided to depart , that her identity was unknown .
21 Lucy knew it because whenever she started to talk about Christine , she 'd realise after a couple of minutes that they 'd moved on and were now talking about something else .
22 Comfort obeyed and spent the next two hours sitting beside Julia 's bed , watching her as she slept and bathing her face with cool water whenever she started to thrash about and mumble in delirium .
23 Sometimes in the evenings she had too strong a sense of being locked into the life of the farmhouse , even with the door continuously open on the summer yard , her brother away in the fields , her mother stumbling about the place with buckets , leaning on the table or the back of a chair whenever she stood to talk .
24 Tomorrow , he promised her whenever she tried to ask him anything .
25 As a child , even though my parents were divorced and my mother did n't have much money , I would scream and shout whenever she tried to put me in some of my sister 's hand-me-downs .
26 Whenever we arranged to meet anywhere he would invariably let me down and his excuse was invariable too : ‘ I was taking shots for Surfing . ’
27 Whenever we cycled to work , or indeed from work , we met the full force of that malevolent wind .
28 However , quite a few teachers took an interest in what I was trying to do , especially the biology teachers , who were impressed with my knowledge of birds and conservation , and my English teachers , who soon heard all about my interest because whenever we had to give a talk in class , I would launch into a full lecture on rearing and handling owls and other birds of prey .
29 " Whenever we tried to escape before we were always captured by the Moi .
30 Thereafter , we allays made a point of asking the culprit , whenever we wanted to use the bucket for anything from watering the flowers to doing the ironing , ‘ Is this water in here or urine ? ’
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