Example sentences of "have ever " in BNC.

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1 He can look here at times a little like a man who has taken the first steps in a descent from the high ground of Self-consciousness , impersonality , fantastication and ironic indirection — not that this has lately been , or has ever been , literature 's only ground .
2 No one would lightly believe that either of them has ever found it hard to tell the difference between himself and somebody else .
3 The article leads you to wonder about her religious faith , if she has one , and about where it stands in relation to the outlook of the editor of Commentary , author of a book about his ambitions for worldly success : Making it must be the least pious book that has ever been written .
4 As will be seen in the remaining chapters , a particular form of Irish catholicism known as monopoly catholicism has assisted in the concrete success of the mix of the beliefs with economic beliefs in capitalism , ownership of land , and inheritance , helping to bring the elements to an explicit formulation in the 1937 Irish constitution , which has ever since shown considerable resistance to reformulation .
5 However , no evidence favouring such a contention has ever been produced .
6 But he could equally well have said one is enthusiasm and the other is cynicism , one is facility and the other is aridity , one is gregariousness and the other is solitude , one is the belief that no one has ever done anything of value before and the other is the belief that everything has already been done , one is spontaneity and the other is cerebration , one is joy and the other is despair , one is heart and the other is mind , one is the garret and the other is the penthouse , one is sincerity and the other is irony , one is Jung and the other is Freud , one is Rimbaud and the other is Mallarmé , one is wine and the other is coffee , one is rags and the other is riches , one is women and the other is celibacy , one is health and the other is disease , one is meat and the other is vegetables , one is life and the other is death , one is everything in upper case and the other is everything in lower case , one is everything in roman and the other is everything in italics .
7 Everything a pocket has ever carried in its time .
8 Anyone who has ever tried to grow peaches outdoors will be familiar with ‘ Taphrina deformans ’ , the fungus which causes peach leaf curl disease .
9 And I bet no man has ever appreciated the lava flow of sensuality so near your ice-perfect surface .
10 But no one else has ever even wound up that chain .
11 For all this he has ever been grateful for his uncles , careful considerations — as his father 's executors — of his family , and especially of their kindness towards him personally .
12 This may look like an easy knock-down argument against a silly theory which nobody has ever seriously held : but what is true of mental pictures would seem to be true of any kind of mental representing process which encodes sensations in some determinate form .
13 Even the bullnose chisel of the stonecarver found its reflection in the woodcarver 's kit , though no manufacturer to my knowledge has ever marketed this variation .
14 Perhaps no ballet has ever made the same impact on dancers and audience as Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring .
15 Anyone who has ever tried chiselling out a channel in a wall to accommodate electrical conduit or other piping will appreciate this useful accessory from Wolfcraft .
16 What no one , as far as I know , has ever done is to show whether there is any space , weight , efficiency or cost saving that results from assembling all the windings onto one core .
17 But no one has ever thought that Yeats 's temperament was Virgilian , and characteristically , in this momentous book of verse and prose mixed , he glimpsed Virgil momentarily only through the spectacles of — of all unlikely people — Paul Verlaine .
18 NEIL KINNOCK 'S speech at the Labour Party conference tomorrow will be the most important he has ever made .
19 ‘ No famous athlete has ever gone into politics by joining Labour .
20 I 've talked to some of my son 's teachers about bullying in schools and they say that these children whom no one has ever laid a finger on can not imagine the pain they inflict on others .
21 A number of poets like boxing but , on the other side , only Muhammed Ali has ever liked verse .
22 Weill correctly perceived that the voice of the American nation was to be found in the musical , but as this form commanded no intellectual respect , the musical establishment has ever since accused him of selling out politically as well as musically .
23 It may be clipped classical , random cottage , modern high-tech , or some intensely personal vision of Byzantium , that no one has ever imagined before , but which exists in your head and wants to get out .
24 The last time base rates hit 15 per cent was in 1981 but , as Mr Tora points out , ‘ in real terms this is the highest the base rate has ever been .
25 Citing the EC example , he said : ‘ It was Mrs Thatcher who signed the Single European Act , which is the biggest transfer of sovereignty which this government has ever undertaken in any period of our history . ’
26 ‘ This is the weakest team New Zealand has ever had , ’ one former All Black , George Tyler , inveighed in the New Zealand Herald .
27 He says it was one of the best sexual experiences he has ever had . ’
28 AS 70,000 East Germans streamed through Leipzig on Monday night in the largest demonstration the German Democratic Republic has ever seen , a few marchers approached the line of the workers ' militia units , on standby in a side-street there .
29 Anyone who has ever suffered at the hands of military pomposity will relish the story of General Patton inspecting a hospital in France and screaming abuse at a man for not coming to attention in his presence , only to be told ‘ Run along , asshole .
30 No one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Mr Ford said what he said — and it has gone down in the history books as just another Ford pratfall .
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