Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 As we walked she told me how she had always resisted her brother 's attempts to persuade her to emigrate to Pakistan .
2 The shock of hearing such an expression in the accents of Hollywood gangsterese come from Antony 's lips pulled her up sharply .
3 Tallis sat quietly , Scathach 's words frightening her .
4 But the images of violence and tragedy evoked by Nathan 's words chilled her , and gooseflesh pimpled her arms .
5 Charlotte was aware of Golding 's eyes watching her closely to gauge her reaction .
6 Its yellow-black devil 's eyes haunted her .
7 Thomas 's eyes forced her to take account of something different in herself and to begin to value it .
8 Russell 's eyes followed her every move as if he were looking through the sight of a gun .
9 Jack 's eyes followed her in admiration .
10 Luke 's eyes devoured her .
11 ‘ There 's no need — ’ Sophie began , but once more the look in Helen 's eyes checked her .
12 The cab driver looks at Jenny 's legs like she was a whore or something .
13 And so after a month or so 's arrears accumulated she got the inevitable form — an eviction notice .
14 Amy 's experiences turned her into a radical activist as a teenager .
15 Eva 's parents wrote her the news .
16 ‘ No , Mother 's parents told her , not knowing of course why Phena wanted to know .
17 This prevented the girl 's parents taking her away from the home of her 18-year-old boyfriend .
18 Fiona 's parents need her today —
19 Suddenly she put her arms out and pulled the young girl to her ; and when Jessie 's sobs rose she warned her quickly , ‘ Be quiet !
20 After 20 minutes Smith , who had put the telephone outside , used his victim 's keys to lock her in and made his escape almost two hours after the ordeal began .
21 In gratitude for what I thought God had given me , a second chance , I ignored Leon 's boredom as I talked him through the files — just as I was ignoring Muriel 's messages to call her — and I ignored his rarely appearing at meetings with agricultural reps and men from the Milk Marketing Board ; ignored his non-involvement with any of the humdrum things essential to the running of a place like Sleet .
22 Jessica 's grandparents took her out for the day as father-of-four Mr Egerton , of Enfield , north London , recovered from Friday 's ordeal .
23 Her aunt 's antics embarrassed her and she could feel herself blushing .
24 Her resistance to Generalissimo Franco 's Nationalists endowed her with legendary status .
25 Her strong commitment to women 's rights led her to write the first Salvadorean publication on the oppression of women , The Condition of Women in El Salvador , published in Mexico in 1961 .
26 With her egg laid , and with the bonus of one of the host 's eggs to sustain her , the female cuckoo 's maternal role is at an end .
27 I felt the miserable decline of my happiness as I imagined the girl 's innocence and the futility of her mother 's efforts to save her from a cruel death .
28 Israel 's neighbours attacked her and eventually after lots of fighting Israel gained control of the West Bank .
29 They had already started to look at houses — not any close inspection , just murmured approval as they had been driving , Glyn 's comments warming her .
30 When one of Ken 's friends told her he had just bought a new television set — a 17-inch console — she commented : ‘ Seventeen inches ?
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