Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Workers at all levels face a future which may of necessity or choice embrace a number of quite different careers .
2 Of course , he is concerned here with speech , and not with language in general , which may of course encompass gestural systems or systems such as those used by the ape language experimenters .
3 The fundamental one in an investigation of this kind is that we do not need to accept any prior assumption about how society at large is organized or structured , and so in our interpretation we do not need to import any presuppositions from theories of social class and social structure or taxonomies of class or status , which may of course be controversial .
4 Nevertheless , two categories of influence role can be identified : * External influences , which can include : your company 's salespeople ; salespeople from competing suppliers ; journalists and professionals writing in trade and specialist journals ; individual representatives at trade shows and exhibitions ; influential individuals in companies competing with the potential purchaser 's company ; influential associates and people with significant reputations whose Opinions are listened to and adopted , perhaps in professional bodies such as engineering , Computing , marketing , ACCOUNTANCY , etc. * internal influences , which may of course include gatekeepers and users , described above .
5 L and T have promised to keep to their obligations , the covenants , for the whole period of their lease — which may of course be for the next thousand years .
6 It 'll complicate negotiations between Mr DeKlerk and Mr Mandela if at the same time as those negotiations continue , er Mrs Mandela is on trial which may of course be prolonged .
7 Nowadays , diabetes is understood and in general is accepted even though hypoglycaemic ( too little sugar in the blood ) attacks , from taking too much insulin relative to body requirements , can result in strange behaviour which may at times have tragic consequences , as indeed can misdiagnosis ( usually as drunkenness ) from hyperglycaemia ( too much sugar in the blood ) in untreated diabetes .
8 Certainly those who had been accused of witchcraft or committed suicide could not be buried in the churchyard : second best was usually the crossroads , a memory perhaps of some measure of sanctity which may over time have become attached to leys because of their association with other sacred sites .
9 The whole program is based on a system of menus and sub menus , so whatever you select from the main menu will in most cases lead you to a sub menu , which may in turn lead you to another sub menu and so on , until the necessary choices have been made .
10 The end product is a very elastic form of ribbing , with a surface interest all its own , which may in turn be further patterned by using the electronic selection available .
11 For example , lexical knowledge may be twice as ’ important ’ as syntactic knowledge , which may in turn be twice as ’ important ’ as semantic knowledge ( evidently , these magnitudes will vary according to the specific application and particular data ) .
12 It is surely a simplification to see the latter simply as ‘ applied ’ sciences ; they embody a different stance and intention , which may in turn generate its own ‘ theories of action ’ , which will be explored in Chapter 3 .
13 Inevitably this process will address difficult questions and may generate difficult solutions which may in turn have severe effects on existing interests both inside and outside the organisation .
14 A trigger for leukotriene synthesis may be the formation by ionising radiation of lipid peroxides , which may in turn promote synthesis of leukotrienes by LTA 4 hydrolase .
15 It is possible , however , that mucosal application of 5HT might stimulate submucosal 5HT neurons , which may in turn activate interneurons connecting the submucosal and enteric plexuses .
16 This tale about Swegen 's Slavonic wife may fit with Thietmar 's statement that he had Cnut and his brother Harald by a sister of Boleslav whom he later abandoned , which may in turn tie in with the Encomiast 's story that after their father 's death Cnut and Harald brought their mother back from among the Slavs .
17 The typical sequence for passive rifting is rifting followed by volcanism , which may in turn be succeeded by uplift .
18 This concentration of fish causes social stress , disease and oxygen depletion , which may in turn cause high mortality rates especially in hot weather .
19 Echosounders calibrated for sea water over read slightly in fresh water , which may in part explain the exceptional reading .
20 Apart from this quibble , I do find that the whole performance has a slightly veiled and subdued quality about it , which may in part be attributable to microphone placement and the dull acoustics of Avery Fisher Hall , but may equally be the result of both orchestra and conductor being reluctant to take risks on such an auspicious occasion .
21 However , nurses were very badly paid , which may in part account for a seemingly low take-up of non-compulsory pension scheme provision for nurses ( Maggs , 1983 , p.131 ) .
22 Apart from the use of referenda , which are a regular feature of politics in the United States , Switzerland and some other countries , jury service , as an obligation which may in principle fall upon any citizen , is almost the sole vestige of direct citizen participation in law-making and administration which survives in modern democracies .
23 Those classed as ‘ other homes ’ included convalescent homes , a rehabilitation centre , an assessment centre , a holiday home for the disabled and rest homes which may in practice have been homes for older people ( the classification was made on the basis of the information given by the person interviewed ) .
24 The gunners claimed two Ju88s shot down , one of which may in fact have been an He111H of 6/KG 26 , which failed to return to base on this date .
25 At present , the recogniser gives an indication of zone ( ‘ u ’ , ‘ m ’ or ‘ l ’ ) for each candidate letter , ( which may in fact not match the usual zone for that letter ) .
26 As we demonstrated in our previous book , moreover , the wedding at Cana — which may in fact have been Jesus 's own wedding — was not a modest village affair , but a sumptuous ceremony of the gentry or aristocracy .
27 The name that is mentioned most frequently in this respect is the Spanish publisher Santillana ( which may in fact have ambitions well beyond Spain ) .
28 Any one network junction has topological neighbours , that is , junctions connected to it along a common chain , but it also possesses spatial neighbour junctions — junctions which may in fact be nearer to it in the continuum space but which belong to other chains .
29 It makes sense to see what the crucial contribution of the teacher is , and to test other models of the learning process which may from time to time be proposed to see what help they can give .
30 2.1.1 " Landlord Approvals " means all approvals consents permissions and licences of any local or other competent authority which may from time to time be necessary to enable the Landlord lawfully to carry out the Works
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