Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Even if there was a booking in a Girl 's home town , John 's regime was so demanding that a husband would no doubt have objected to his wife giving priority to her work .
2 Galbraith ( 1976 ) put forward the idea that in the technological world the technology is so demanding that a given new technology is handled in the same way anywhere in the world no matter what the local culture .
3 Adele duly did just that , fondly imagining that a lone fireman would come out to her East Street home in an anonymous van with the suitable cutting equipment .
4 A warm , friendly voice is especially reassuring if a partially sighted person ca n't see your expression .
5 But it is sobering to reflect that Bowes could devote so much time and energy to assembling his huge collections , a task that preoccupied him for many years , without apparently caring that a main source of his wealth , coal , was blighting lives and blighting the countryside .
6 Her prayer beads were constantly moving and a steady stream of soft petitions to Allah were just audible .
7 So learning that a particular symbol on a computer keyboard , situated in a particular room , delivers a banana from a feeder , is really the same kind of mental activity as recognizing the shape of a banana plant in a forest and remembering where to find it again the next day .
8 So , after much jockeying and a few power lunches ( although all three contestants for the top spot — McDonald , Stewart , and Somerville — deny this ) Trevor has got the top job and a salary reckoned close to £125,000 a year .
9 The women were on the whole surprised at the question , apparently assuming that a dispersal of concentration is intrinsic to housework .
10 Henningsvær is so quiet , and the sun so warming that a beer is absolutely necessary in a rather super establishment .
11 While Rauschning emphasised reconciliation , understanding and harmony through balanced trade , Forster had been saying that reconciliation with the Poles was impossible and endlessly repeating that a return to the Reich was essential , but was prevented only by the intransigence of the vengeful Poles .
12 But I have always shied away from using it on tables , perhaps feeling that a table should be capable of taking a certain amount of abuse .
13 Having noticed this discrepancy , Husameddin suggests that the text of Ibn Hajar ought to read thus suggesting that a ( seven ) has dropped out of the text .
14 The same people who backed Mr Rafsanjani 's economic reforms were soon complaining when a strand of hair appeared under a woman 's scarf .
15 We have shown , for example , that treatment of Raji with a protein synthesis inhibitor , cycloheximide , blocks class II mRNA transcription , thus indicating that a positive factor is required for MHC class II gene expression in these cells ( 23 ) .
16 HARPY 's use of a finite-state grammar permitted backwards pruning since a finite-state grammar has the property that any string of words leading to a given state is equivalent to any other string leading to that state as far as future states are concerned .
17 Some were very short descriptive items , perhaps just mentioning that a person ( or persons ) had appeared on a remand hearing in court .
18 At least , it was so by those who were to write up family notes at a later date : the year of birth would be coyly laundered to read ‘ 1847 ’ , thus ensuring that a rather harmless skeleton stayed in its cupboard for a while .
19 Yeah , give me the update , yes and if you 're just updating that a bit , if you 're gon na update it then , aha
20 It was still raining and a strong wind was blowing .
21 She started to think that she had a vocation for taking heroic decisions , but it was really nothing more sustaining than a rabid kind of recklessness that erupted suddenly and then left her feeling bleak and inept .
22 They had given up all hope of ever moving when a two-bedroom house with a garden was found for them in Forthlin Road , Allerton last week .
23 They had given up all hope of ever moving when a two-bedroom house with a garden was found for them in Forthlin Road , Allerton last week .
24 This reflected in part a widespread criticism of psychiatry as paternalistic and socially controlling and a growing interest in the civil tights of under-privileged groups .
25 She saw his mouth moving ; he was still talking but a train was blowing its whistle and drowned his voice , which was extremely soft .
26 Newton Aycliffe police are warning that forged notes are still circulating after a fake £20 note was handed to a Ferryhill newsagent .
27 The group is also demanding that a strip of virgin forest along the Burmese border be included in the designation .
28 There is also bowling and a ‘ hot rock ’ indoor swimming pool .
29 In drama magic is both blessing and a curse ; a blessing because it creates a wonderful control device , and because it can be very stimulating to the imagination ; a curse because children can — and often do — use it as a way of saying " This is not a problem " , using magic to get them out of seeking a solution .
30 You 're probably thinking that a cable is a cable is a cable .
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