Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , is it right that relief should be refused because the court disapproves of the applicant personally or of the motives behind the bringing of the application ?
2 The attitude of some bondholders previously willing to surrender their bonds modified on learning of this privilege which they were previously and largely unaware of in connection with redemption , so much so that of the 47 bonds bought out , 24 holders elected to enjoy perpetual membership .
3 As the type of the Negro [ wrote the Anthropological Review ] is foetal , so that of the Mongol is infantile .
4 If we compare the two slopes then the line from circle centre to circle centre has a slope of 27.789 degrees whilst that from the Ogbourne centre to Bishops Cannings church is 27.74 degrees , less than of a degree of arc .
5 I think the old man 's a bit afraid to go into hospital , I know that he 's afraid obviously cos of the , the , this open heart surgery sort of thing but er , he 's also afraid that , he thinks were gon na have er such outrageous parties down the close and were gon na be open all night and things like that .
6 They walked over the firm mud , among the seaweed , cuttlefish bones , and the jetsam of the sea below and of the mountains above .
7 It was only about a thousand words long but of a high quality .
8 These are businesses which have grown naturally because of a need that we have recognized and it is reasonable to suppose that if we have done the job right , and tested the external market to see if such services are not available to our satisfaction elsewhere , we would start with some sort of competitive edge .
9 It was n't only due to the harsh words they had exchanged over Ryan ; she found it hard to write naturally because of the lie she was enacting .
10 Whilst both sets of traditions talk in personal terms of God , it seems that the Near Eastern religions , perhaps because of a stronger sense of historical progress , have developed further the idea of God as an historical agent — someone who has revealed His hand by associating with particular events and claiming them as His own .
11 People who are especially at risk include those who are unable to move , perhaps because of a stroke , those with contracted limbs which could be a result of an arthritic condition , people with a known skin condition or allergy and those who are debilitated or undernourished , where there is little flesh between the skin and the bone .
12 Nevertheless , it would seem sensible to say that , given a set of firms in a perfectly competitive market , some of which ( perhaps because of a more concentrated distribution of shares ) face quite tight constraints on their efficiency , these relatively efficient firms are likely to provide some form of policing function over the others .
13 Perhaps they arise because the government does not recognize the true costs of its new policies , or perhaps because of a resistance to making a particular policy effective which comes from within the central government machine .
14 They have also never been perceived by the state as a threat , perhaps because of the revolutionary pedigree of some of their élite .
15 Despite his fame amongst his contemporaries , Gassendi has been overshadowed by those whom he influenced — perhaps because of the modesty and undogmatic nature of his arguments , which lie buried in lengthy , copiously annotated Latin works .
16 It would appear that there was some increase in the marriage rates among those in their early twenties during the early 1920s , perhaps because of the delays caused by the First World War , and after 1934 , when the domestic economy began to revive from the worst excesses of the slump .
17 THE number of avalanche deaths in the main Alpine countries has dropped by as much as 70 per cent — perhaps because of the consistency of snow cover throughout the winter .
18 Perhaps because of the coral reefs , as now , there had been no tidal wave but the force of the wind had driven the sea inland , thirty feet deep in Belpan City .
19 Perhaps because of the long-standing provision of special clinics , the large majority of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in such clinics , in contrast to other countries , where less than 20 per cent of cases are seen in hospitals .
20 Readings were only normal when I was walking , perhaps because of the tendency of exertion to increase body temperature .
21 The Builder pointed out that although Scott ‘ has sought not the style of any particular country , but Gothic in abstract , and gathered from the works of all countries ’ , perhaps because of the numerous secular mediaeval buildings in Italy , the character of his design ‘ is more Italian , or at least Continental than it is English ’ .
22 It is perhaps because of the unpredictable nature of the outcome that few cases come to court on ultra vires conditions .
23 Men tend to put greater store by their work once there are children ( perhaps because of the burden of being the sole earner , and perhaps because their place at work is not unchallenged in the way it may be at home ) and housework , which before may have been shared equally , often now falls to the woman .
24 Perhaps because of the kidding tone of Heller 's God Knows , Jacobson has studiously reined in his comic instinct in this work .
25 They are caused by micro-organisms feeding on the size and cellulose fibres and seem to attack certain types of books more than others , perhaps because of the quality of the paper or some fault in its manufacture .
26 England , perhaps because of the muck-and-bullets , all lads together wartime analogy that continues to dominate our sporting thinking , are suspicious of anyone seen to be climbing above his station .
27 Some of the smallest have been found at West Stow , perhaps because of the weakness of the sandy subsoil on which it was built ( Figure 2.4 ) .
28 ‘ My desire was for punishment , not revenge , and was directed at the officers who gave the orders — perhaps because of the interviews . ’
29 Perhaps because of the influence of Juliete De Valero Wills , now divorced from Andy but still a company director , Go !
30 Phosphate is the least problem and , perhaps because of the almost profligate use of bone meal and the very long time it takes for the phosphate to be released by bacterial decomposition , is very seldom indeed the cause for worry .
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