Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 After initially welcoming this movement , Plekhanov , Lenin and other ‘ orthodox ’ Social Democrats became afraid that concentration on immediate economic goals might lead the emergent labour movement to become preoccupied with merely economic rather than political goals .
2 If that is so , presumably costs to industry will be that much lower here than in the rest of Europe , so there will not be equal competition with enterprises in the other 11 nations of the European Community .
3 With the deradicalising of students in the Reagan years , Sarris 's criticisms seem less relevant , and the film is less dated now than those made at the same time or a little later that did reflect the Counter Culture , such as Alice 's Restaurant , The Strawberry Statement , Getting Straight and Zabriskie Point .
4 It was , he decided , Emersonianism — a disease ( if that is what it is ) which is certainly no less rife now than it was when Winters made his diagnosis fifty years ago .
5 The ‘ full development of an ear for language ’ encompasses a wide range of related skills , understandings and competences , underlining our belief that the language and literature facets of the English curriculum should be seen as mutually supportive rather than exclusive .
6 He was no less prompt here than he had been in Wales .
7 The appeal of such a position is of course very considerable , and seems no less strong today than two centuries ago .
8 Well it it 's not that much dearer now than the
9 ‘ Piss ’ is one of several four-letter words less acceptable today than it has been in the past .
10 We would like to point out that many people at the centre told us that the attitudes we had encountered were less prevalent now than they had been in the past , and would continue to diminish .
11 The tax on businesses is much lighter here than in France , and it is also lower than in Germany .
12 The Firth was much broader here than at Dalmeny and , if it had not been a clear day , Corbett could have almost believed they were out on the open sea .
13 The mathematics curriculum is much broader now than it was at the time of the 11+ .
14 A small number of cycad genera survive in the tropical and subtropical regions today , but they are much less conspicuous today than they were 120 million years ago .
15 The veteran keeper — 43 next month — said goalkeeping was much tougher now than when he started .
16 The situation is very much easier today than even ten years ago when male/female roles were far more stereotyped and many couples felt that they had to conform to a set pattern for the sake of convention .
17 They are less reliable even than the telephones . ’
18 Much greener here than at home , is n't it , ’ said Angalo .
19 Since all the schools follow the same teaching plan and since the content of the programme followed by children in the early years is less demanding academically than that followed by adolescents , it is easy to argue that teachers in the lower grades require less training .
20 Bargaining structures within the international context , although extremely heterogeneous rather than conforming to any simple and tidy pattern , may be broadly classified in terms of the level at which negotiations are mainly conducted .
21 I found it an impressive programme and I hope it will not lead Mr Heseltine to conclude that chess sets are less harmful potentially than television sets .
22 With every hot day in July worth so much more than one in the mists of September , the later start threatens to take the gloss of what , at first glance , seems set to be a good harvest .
23 ‘ This is a great mystery , ’ declares the apostle Paul , for it is so much more than two people getting together .
24 But as accountants , although we were respected for our expertise , like lawyers , our work was entirely reactive rather than proactive , ’ says Mr Riley .
25 We are much clearer now than at the beginning about how to approach science in a more girl friendly way ( see Smail , 1983 , 1984 ) , and the clarity is due in part to the way we have worked with teachers .
26 The influence of the Catholic church is less suffocating today than it was two generations ago , but it is still striking to outsiders .
27 In it Pomponius reflects on the difficulty of enforcing modal legacies , and the fact that very often the obligation they generate is merely moral rather than legal .
28 Following the election result , it seems almost inevitable that Labour will adopt a commitment to some form of proportional representation ( writes Backchat 's ‘ things that seem almost inevitable following the election result ’ correspondent ) , although , ironically , it seems considerably less inevitable now than it did a few weeks ago .
29 Then , in 1985 , followed yet another grammar book — much larger even than GCE .
30 Orkney wives were generally much happier outside than inside and this was well illustrated in the figures for taking over the paperwork ( 7% ) and those for attending sick stock ( 32% ) .
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