Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 After several days of this treatment , Honey became less anxious and forgot her bad habits of rearing and crossing her jaws ; and she eventually became quite a pleasant horse to ride .
2 I must explain that I do not like combined heater stats ; in general I find that the heater part packs up within a year , as , regrettably do modern heaters , and I would rather throw away a £5 heater than a £10 plus heater stat .
3 First published ( under a different title ) in 1909 , it eventually sold over a million copies and was translated into 25 languages .
4 This is especially true of those , often identified as burgi , which protected only a very small part of the settlement ( p. 35 below ) ; but even where larger areas were enclosed , most included only a fraction of the total , as for example at Catterick , Ilchester and Water Newton , where the inhabited extra-mural areas extended for considerable distances .
5 First , there is the prison itself , as a physical entity — apparently given only a very minor role in the classical model .
6 This obviously represents only a proportion of criminal activity in Britain since a number of crimes remain undetected and a number of offenders are not convicted .
7 On the other side of the coin you might find a child who is experiencing such difficulties in his learning that the first line of attack must be in , in terms of perhaps producing just an improvement of his base level of learning , so that the next step can be taken .
8 We certainly , if you look at the breakdown of our sales er , we only sell about a hundred and fifty er , million pounds worth er , of goods and services in Asia , Pacific erm , we would certainly like to make acquisitions in that area just as we did in North America er , in the seventies and eighties and we have now small Pearson er , office , for instance in Tokyo , it 's quite slow , erm , er , in that area but certainly we 're on the lookout for acquisitions in , in Asia , Pacific .
9 Maggie only stopped about an hour this morning , she 's not feeling well .
10 I think Doctor only sits once a month , and
11 The sand grains themselves are confined to a layer very near to the surface and thus their erosive effect is very limited in vertical extent , while surface creep can obviously affect only an extremely limited vertical range .
12 They are erm it was er steak and kidney pie , brussels sprouts , carrots and bo plain boiled potatoes I could only eat about half the kidney and meat , I cou I could only eat about a third of the pastry , could n't cope with the carrots at all or the brussel sprouts , they were beautiful brussel sprouts like little cabbages , you know I could only eat a couple of them !
13 You obviously made quite an impression personally at the time .
14 The insect may be 50 yards away , and so make only a tiny image on my retina .
15 I said he said yes sh with , with her , when she was first married , but she only lived there a couple of months .
16 Edouard looked up in surprise , and the boy eagerly drew forward a chair .
17 This is made worse by the fact that few butchers hang their lamb these days , despite the fact that it only needs about a week to bring on the flavour .
18 Long considered only a maker of images , it is quite apparent from the Hayward Gallery 's exhibition that he is a craftsman of extraordinary technical facility , capable of luscious passages of brushwork , occasionally using thick impasto for expressive effects and employing his own distinctive and changing palette .
19 Publishing exam results is fine — We have been saying that for three years , but as the Secretary of State managed to point out in his contorted evidence to the teachers ' pay review body , exam results alone provide only an elementary indication of the effectiveness of a school .
20 There will be no climbing or hill-walking involved and you 'll only need about an hour to complete it and hand in your finished Puzzle .
21 Please remember that you can only appeal once a year .
22 The two enclaves did not share a common border , but together occupied about a third of Croatian territory and included 300,000 people .
23 ‘ I 'm not a great one for carting them all around the country , so Will only contests about a dozen competitions a year ’ .
24 Jerrome ( 1982 ) has explored the significance of a confidante for older women in maintaining life satisfaction , even if that person is only seen once a year .
25 I know of one Free Range Producer in East Anglia whose eggs are only collected once a week .
26 Mrs Hellyer only came once a week and though Dad did some of the housework , shuffling round in the mornings and yawning , almost everything had a skin of dust over it and smelt mouldy , like furniture stored in an attic .
27 Cos if the steamer only came once a week that would n't have been enough .
28 on the phone cos we only speak once a week , well I do n't think
29 Meredith , bearing in mind Harriet 's warning that this horse might kick , prudently moved away a little .
30 At the same time , the Cobham Fellowship itself formed five smaller congregations from the one large group , only meeting twice a month as one church .
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