Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And I and not sure it 's Well I am sure that it 's for the worse .
2 It seems to me a definite kind of immortality both to be remembered with great affection and to give that feeling ( which I and so many friends have ) that we ca n't believe he has died .
3 And er when it come to the election of a shop steward about in ni nineteen er I think it were nineteen twenty seven , it were nineteen twenty seven er I there were two hundred in our shop and I got elected shop steward , mainly I think because a lot more , most did n't did n't want to be bothered you know but anyway I I and so that 's what I retained .
4 While waiting for Mr Knightley to arrive , the rest of us were invited to tour the grounds , and so it was that I and about ten others led off to the banks of the River Avon by a ruthlessly hearty philanthropist extraordinaire , Lady Patricia Rutherford .
5 Jackson Pollock was driven by a despair which was partly his and partly that of the culture which nourished him , to refuse this act of faith : to insist , with all his brilliance as a painter , that there was nothing behind , that there was only that which was done to the canvas on the side facing us .
6 It must hit you and John terribly hard , being friends of his and so young and all .
7 Now , obviously , within all of that , what that shows me and just common sense tells me , is that you 've obviously got a very vital role but there are problems .
8 He seemed — in a way I ca n't really explain — to be protective towards me and also ashamed of me , for the sake of my mother perhaps .
9 I thank all of you who supported me and particularly all those who helped in this non-target ward campaign .
10 Suddenly there was an ominous popping of cannon fire behind me and little white balls seemed to float past on both sides of the cockpit .
11 To Kings Lynn from Margaret Fife who , following an injury to her arm was helped with her shopping by two assistants : ‘ It was a great help to me and most refreshing in this day and age to be treated with such consideration .
12 Generally , I like people who are fun to be with , I can trust them and they are loyal to me and not possessive .
13 The second shock was when the biggest boy in the class — he was nearly a head taller than me and considerably heavier — Jack Truckle would not stop talking .
14 I must also thank my parents for everything they have done for me and especially this wonderful event , my wedding to Steven .
15 I must not give way to it , because it is so unlike me and quite causeless .
16 Too late for me and too late for the world .
17 In a hurry to find me and too tired to pay attention to detail , he might give him a cursory glance and exclaim , relieved , " Ah , there you are . "
18 I know it 's unfair of me and horribly troublesome for you , but please believe that I 'm not going to start importuning you — or anything like that .
19 ‘ Ten for you , ten for me and as much as the others can add to it .
20 I looked at set-backs as if they were predetermined , as if a fixed number of them were waiting for me and once one of them was overcome the number to come decreased .
21 She stared at me and then flicked ash with a black fingernail .
22 I think one of the problems with any new department is that there are new staff from other ministries and there must be something of a learning curve for them and probably some propensity to control their various parishioners .
23 They are passive in the sense that the social structure is seen and experienced as being outside of them and not amenable to questioning , only acceptance .
24 Her assistant Cyril Nunn says , ‘ She always said she would be remembered by her pictures of them and not all the portraits of the society people ’ .
25 Overwhelmed by their love , they struggle to overcome their addition , not wishing to hurt those around them and not able to part .
26 But at that moment there was a noise behind them and both young men turned at once .
27 Collect the leaves with caterpillars on them and also some more leaves or shoots of the same kind .
28 Important events require some preparation if we are to make the most of them and arguably this is more true of retirement than of any other stage .
29 They want to know that you know it , and they want to feel confident that if they ask you question you can answer it , but they very much want to know what it does for them and how much it 's going to cost them basically .
30 What can I say , he 's seen the news , he reads the paper , how much reality do you show them and how much do you protect them .
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