Example sentences of "[noun pl] is that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An immediate and obvious problem with pluralists ' methods is that in the effort to achieve falsifiability , only major visible issues reaching decisional status are used , yet of course it is possible for pre-decisional power to be used to keep grievances from becoming observable issues .
2 The problem with lists is that by the time you write item number three , you have completely forgotten about item number one , and so on .
3 One disadvantage of this to all parties is that over a long period memories fade and evidence becomes more difficult to establish .
4 One argument for common investment funds is that at the moment they provide a way of getting round the narrow and wider investment bands that dictate charity investment .
5 A second assertion of monetarists is that in the absence of government intervention in the economy , there will be an automatic tendency towards the ‘ natural rate of unemployment ’ — that is , ‘ the level of unemployment which has the property that it is consistent with equilibrium in the structure of real wage rates ’ .
6 An important difference between conventional statistics and statistics of grain size distributions is that in the former frequency is expressed as numbers whereas in the latter it is as weight percentage .
7 One of the conclusions that can be drawn from the responses is that despite the increased provision of online information services by a range of organisations including Aberdeen City library , the Scottish Council and others , the level of awareness and potential of such information sources is still low .
8 The characteristic of all those areas is that for a long time they have been Labour controlled , although Conservatives have been in control in Brent for the past year and the Liberal Democrats have recently been in control in Tower Hamlets .
9 The difference between the two countries is that in Britain such sources are primary sources , and in the United States , the primary source is the written document .
10 One of his largest monuments is that to Thomas , first Earl of Coventry , in the church at Elmley Castle , Hereford and Worcester , of about 1700 , which fills the height of the transept The earl ( in contemporary dress as was usual with Stanton ) is bewigged , and reclines comfortably , elbow on a cushion , with his coronet beside him .
11 An easy way to remember this for making calculations is that in two colours each square is one BIT .
12 The most ambitious of the three catalogues is that from Brussels , which includes art from Pole to Pole .
13 Possibly the earliest mention of what are probably Anglo-Saxon graves is that by the thirteenth-century chronicler Roger of Wendover in his Flores Historiarum where he describes the excavation by monks of St Albans in 1178 of ten human skeletons at Redbourne , Hertfordshire , believing some of them to be the bones of St Amphibalus ( Hewlett 1886 , 115 ) .
14 The problem for would-be physiological psychologists is that until relatively recently there have been no other natural phenomena or man-made devices that we understand better than human behaviour that could act as a model or analogy .
15 One of the things that makes war so fascinating to its students and so frustrating to its participants is that in a moment of supreme crisis it is rarely given for one side , obsessed by its own difficulties , to see just how bad things are in the enemy camp .
16 What emerges from these scantily recorded years is that by the time of the first minuted meeting , in January 1907 , and which was probably held in the manager 's office at the Henley branch of Reading bankers , J. and C. Simonds , much work towards the Club 's formation had already been accomplished .
17 The only paragraphs in Section 2 which does allow any exemption for individuals is that concerning emigres who " although of Russian blood " had " not been in USSR since 1930 " prior to their " joining the German forces " .
18 One of the drawbacks of alluvial sources is that under the pressure of a growing demand they tend to be depleted to a point at which more intensive methods are called for .
19 One of the most often cited studies is that by E. F. Loftus and Burns ( 1982 ) in which 266 subjects watched a short film of a bank robbery .
20 Thus it has been suggested that a key difference between invertebrate and vertebrate brains is that in the former a great deal of power and responsibility could be invested in a single cell or even synapse which in the vertebrate nervous system would be more widely distributed .
21 Perhaps the most serious problem with the machines is that during use some of the parts can loosen .
22 A source of particular vulnerability for the agencies is that in its reorganization of the water industry the 1973 Water Act gives them responsibility for the management of the great majority of sewage treatment works , which in many areas are themselves significant — often principal — sources of pollution .
23 The only thing that unites these three arrangements is that in each case a minority class rules and takes the surplus away from the producers .
24 One of the curiosities of water mills is that in the North , unlike the South of England , the wheels are usually erected inside the buildings .
25 One obvious limitation of local authority-run centres is that unlike the independent centres they can not help local authority tenants and homeless applicants fight legal battles against the authority .
26 The problem with GPS is that like all new gadgets , the companies are wanting to recover development costs as quickly as possible and they are very expensive .
27 Callinicos ' conclusion to these arguments is that despite their efforts , built around a claimed contrast of the postmodern either with or within Modernism , these authors have produced only ‘ mutually and often internally inconsistent accounts ’ of the ‘ postmodern ’ , manifesting an ‘ inability to come up with a plausible and coherent account of its distinguishing characteristics ’ ( p. 28 ) .
28 The significance of these three relations is that through them subjects are constituted and although the relations have a relation to each other , none is reducible to any other .
29 The importance of diet in this group of patients is that for some diet alone will suffice , while for the rest there must be a good dietary compliance if control is to be optimal at a steady weight whether using oral agents or insulin .
30 One of the great advantages of such journeys is that from this moment someone else solves all practical problems .
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