Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Accessibility is not so important with the small , closed conferences because the participants are usually either highly motivated in the first place ( because of specialist interest or commitment ) or their employers require them to go or at least agree that they should .
2 Lady Horne told them to sit whilst behind them the girl lit candles .
3 She 's never asked me to go since before the big holidays .
4 In the end the doctor , being far-sighted enough to believe in the value of hypnosis when properly practised , sent her to me to see if between us we could unearth the cause of the problem .
5 We want it to give them back their self respect , help acclimatise them to work and above all to give them something positive and worthwhile to show an employer .
6 It might also have disturbed them to know that in such circumstances what is still a fairly new and effective lifeline for them would have been ruled out — insurance .
7 Wulfstan 's Sermon of the Wolf refers to English powerlessness against the enemy as shameful ; Ælfric to the heathen army holding them to scorn and of days when English kings had been strong and theirs the only fleet around .
8 He will be as pleased as I to know that in Essex there are now sixty three secondary and fifty five primary schools operating with grant maintained status .
9 My experience in Texas and with other large contemporary prison systems leads me to wonder whether in future the best we can hope for is to obtain some kind of a mix of the two , and avoid the worse features of each .
10 There are , however , ambiguities in such a situation , as the lives of minority governments may be perpetuated more by a reluctance to force them to resign than by any positive commitment to their support .
11 Now lastly er just to er just to indicate that virtue has its own reward , there 's the record operating cash generation for you to see and on that note I 'll pass you over to James .
12 ‘ Matthew , I 'm trying to be very understanding and modern about this , but I want you to realize that for women of my generation , it 's difficult to accept the prevailing mores . ’
13 Erm that might , might interest you to know that during the past ten years I have personally entertained something like a hundred visitors from the States who are with their families er , of course , er returned here for a look , look round .
14 ‘ Would it surprise you to know that in the five years since I first set eyes on you , I have not looked seriously at another woman ?
15 Now this may not be the most compelling subject but it is important for you to know that throughout our term in office , we 've not left you on your own as you carry out the task of raising funds for your programme .
16 If it is difficult for you to visit because of travel costs please discuss this with your social worker as we can usually help with your fares .
17 And Goldberg , in his pad : Dear Harsnet , it may surprise you to hear that after all these years I am finally at work transcribing the notes you entrusted to me so many years ago , with a view to eventually publishing them .
18 Okay what I ask you to do as with being assertive , first of all be clear about what it is that you 're going to try and do , be clear about what it is and what the situation is , explain it to the partner and then try it and let's see how it doing .
19 It 's a pretty complicated diagram , I would n't expect you to draw that in fifteen minutes , and explain the , the
20 ‘ It must seem impossible for you to believe that in a civilized society so abhorrent a practice as the enslaving of one person by another still continues , but I will ask you to try and imagine what it must be like .
21 ‘ I ask you to believe that in normal circumstances he would not behave like that , but he is still not quite himself … the death of his friend , you know … ’
22 And Madam , I 'd also ask you to say that to him to pay compensation for the minor injuries she 's suf she 's suffered and of course you have to consider that 's a point in a case involving assault , would be to add insult to injury , and would not assist the parties in coming to terms with their relationship and hopefully attempting a reconciliation .
23 He was serious , it 's his get out from telling you to say that in the first place
24 However , we would ask you to note that at present :
25 This leads them to conclude that between 1931 and 1936 the Spanish right as a whole played a role analogous to that of fascism in Italy a decade earlier .
26 Can I can I just raise a question er to r to clarify the point before I answer your question that I are am I are we to assume that in response to Mr , erm it 's on the record that there 's a er a request to add , clear expression of local preference I by local planning authorities ?
27 Are we to suppose that in the thousands of millions of years before conscious life emerged in the world — and still today in those extensive parts of the universe where no conscious life has yet developed — no wavepacket has ever collapsed , no atom for certain decayed ?
28 This view could be called cynical , but my experience leads me to believe that in most situations we are preoccupied with ourselves and our own agendas .
29 He urged them to recognize that by not understanding the thought of India they were depriving themselves of the opportunity of serving India .
30 It 's obviously too early for me to judge whether in the absence of such a definition the Department seek to intervene , but in the word , in the light of what is said in the current P P G I think that must be a possibility , but for the moment , sir , we have very much have an open mind , and we obviously , like everyone else , are looking forward to your conclusions on this issue .
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